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Why do we expect the government to administer public safety, but not public health ? - Printable Version

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- dudeman612 - 11-19-2012 02:52 AM

If you are talking about the federal government, they really have no constitutional authority for any of what you listed. It's main role is for the defense of the country, to control the currency, foreign relations, immigration policy and interstate relations.

State and local governments are the ones that take care of police and fire protection. And the reason why that is taken care of and not health care is because health care is managed on an individual level and effects primarily the individual and their family, not the entire population at large. Police and fire protection covers the entire swath of the population, and if everyone doesn't pay into it, then there will be free riders benefiting without contributing, yet if it were managed and paid for on an individual/event basis, then we would slip into lawlessness. Protecting the rights of citizens is the primary function of a government, not to ensure health care.