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How many friends do you have on FaceBook and how many of them do you actually know? - Printable Version

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How many friends do you have on FaceBook and how many of them do you actually know? - Annoyingzebra729 - 02-19-2014 12:45 PM

As a project out of boredom, I've been going through all of my FaceBook friends and seeing who I really know. There are people at school that I've heard of or I've seen from a distance, but I don't really know. Then there are just random people that I might have just added because they were suggested to me. Earlier, I had 567 friends and so far, now I have 396. And there are still probably many I don't know. This day in age, what do we consider "knowing someone". It seems like you can just meet someone online and because you know their name, or their screen name, you "know" them. But in actuality you don't. This mentality many of us have is kind of stupid. I think we should only interact on FaceBook with people we would interact with in real life.

- Brandon Hernandez - 02-19-2014 12:49 PM

I personally have about 70+ friends and i know all of them, unlike most people i don't accept any request's that i don't know and delete people i don't talk to or know because i like to keep my circle of friends close to heart.

- i<3volleyball - 02-19-2014 12:56 PM

Personally, most of my facebook friends I see or talk to at school, family members, or people i used to know. I also use facebook because if i see someone cute at school, i add them, talk to them on facebook, and a relatioonship gets rolling form there Smile Although, most people dont hang out with 500+ people in real life, it is also a way to see whats going on in their lives and keep in touch with old friends.

- -E- - 02-19-2014 01:05 PM

I have a little over 800 facebook friends... there all either from
-difirint churches ive been to/youth groups
-summer camps
-people ive met at the mall, movies, parties, etc
-people ive met during vacation

and i think thats pretty much it, but i NEVER add anyone that i've never seen/heard of in my I atleast have to know WHO YOU ARE in order for me to add them. no creepers. I try interacting with as much people as possible because thats pretty much the point of facebook..

- THAT DUDE - 02-19-2014 01:10 PM

I have 285. I know most of them, though I only hang out with like 20 of the people on my friend list. Everyone else I've just met or talked to at some point in time and it was either a one time thing or I lost contact with them.

- Bones ♥ - 02-19-2014 01:18 PM

I have 262 friends. I know, or at least knew, every single one of them personally. Classmates, family members, friends from years ago- only things like that. Weeks ago, after finding out that this random guy that I accepted as a friend was a wanted ex-convict with carnal knowledge & +12 warrants, I deleted him and began to only accept people I know in reality.