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how do i advertise a new company on the web? - Printable Version

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how do i advertise a new company on the web? - george - 02-20-2014 03:52 AM

hey guys,i have a new civil engineering outsourcing company,, i have been trying to get companies emails on the web and sending them introductory letters. so far i have not gotten any i doing my marketing right what approach should i use, what am i doing wrong?your input would highly appreciated

- jimmythakkar - 02-20-2014 04:00 AM

Best way to advertise new company on web is PPC.

Google Adwords :
Yahoo search marketing :


- Hem - 02-20-2014 04:05 AM

Pay per click is the best option used in the marketing. You can use : google, yahoom msn and even facebook for marketing. Social media websites are also the best tool for the new website to get business enquiry. Also continue seo work and add your website in classified directories.

- israeli_oracle - 02-20-2014 04:12 AM

hi, as said above ppc is good way.
try ppc that gives you credit to your account so you can see if they good.
i reccommended aff link > (

- Choicex - 02-20-2014 04:15 AM

I checked your website and my browser 'Google Chrome' showed a warning!

Warning: Visiting this site may harm your computer!

The website ******** appears to host malware – software that can hurt your computer or otherwise operate without your consent. Just visiting a site that hosts malware can infect your computer.

For detailed information about the problems with this site, visit the Google Safe Browsing diagnostic page

* * * It is very important that you find the cause of this problem * * *

Regarding advertising your website:

My advice would be to ensure that your website is listed in as many places as possible, this will get people to find your website and help improve your search engine results.

So if people are searching for Civil Engineering or similar they have more chance of finding you.

1. submit your website to Google Local Business
2. submit your website to directories
3. consider joining social networking websites
4. join and contribute to Yahoo Answers

If you have products or services to offer submit your website to Google Local Business

This can help you can gain top search results in Google for your products or services using the Local Business service from Google. You will need to register for a googlemail account then submit your website / business details to Google's local business centre.

Marketing your Website using Directories and Website Links

The next step is to get links to your website. This is one of the most important things that you can do to help your website with regard to internet marketing and search engine results. To do this you will need to list your website on as many websites and directories as possible. Directories operate in one of 3 ways: Paid Listing Directory, Free and Reciprocal Link Directories.

Paid Listing Directory: for a listing fee your website is listed, often these are higher quality directories as only serious website owners and business's will pay to be listed. These are usually the fastest way to get listed and get links to your website, as the paid listing directories are run as a business. There are niche/specialist and general directories.

Free Directories: it can take a long time to get your website listed. As the service is free, there may be little or no control of the quality of websites being listed.

DMOZ is the most important free directory, it can take quite some time to get listed, but worth the effort, follow submission guidelines very carefully.

Social Networking Websites, joining these will connect you with other people with similar interests and these may take an interest in looking at your website

Yahoo Answers, answering questions with good information that you have some expertise with. In doing so you will be helping other people and that may lead on to more contacts or people enquiring about your area of knowledge and website.

Good Luck

- Jihn - 02-20-2014 04:17 AM

Check your website it is infected by virus