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Are social networks considered a form of media? - Printable Version

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Are social networks considered a form of media? - Michael - 10-14-2012 07:42 PM

I'm doing an assignment on forms of media for college and other than television and radio, I really don't know any other forms of media off the top of my head. I have an idea for the assignment, if in fact social networking sites like Facebook are considered media. Thanks for the help.

- Asky - 10-14-2012 07:50 PM

Yep. Social networks and other uses of the internet can be media. Also the newspaper is a type of media. And books. Lol. It's funny that you left those out and could only think of TV and radio. Definitely a sign of the times.

- victoriousBandit048 - 10-14-2012 07:50 PM

Of course. Socially over the web it is morally a structure of life.

- Crazy Dan - 10-14-2012 07:50 PM

A while back there was an earthquake in my area. Of course nobody knew that it was an earthquake as it was only a shake. The reason I'm telling you this story is because I learned about it through facebook rather than flipping to the news. The news actually had to wait a while to report it.

So overall I would say that facebook and other social media a form of "media" in that it provides people with latest information, but it might not be facts just opinions of the subject. Going back to the earthquake, I learned it was an earthquake because somebody posted a feed that god is angry at us because we did not repent enough.

So there ya have it. Social media can be trusted to give you quicker news but I don't think it can be trusted in giving accurate news without you taking the time to research it after the fact(s).