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Facebook is being a d*ck? - Printable Version

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Facebook is being a d*ck? - Aaron - 02-24-2014 12:39 PM

So Facebook lately is really starting to piss me off. Whenever i try to comment on a post or like a comment on a post,it won't work. but this is only on pages.I can comment on my friends' posts but not on pages.and before you say it,they didn't block me,because that would mean every page on Facebook blocked me including celebrities so that's highly unlikely.I've sent many complaints to the Facebook help centre and absolutely nothing has changed.PLLLLEEEEAAASEEE help me!
Thanks Ben, but I've already like the page AND the post and i still cant do anything

- Ben - 02-24-2014 12:54 PM

You have to 'like' before posting. It's Facebook's way of artificially inflating numbers and making it seem like things are more viral than they are. TBH, you might as well not even use Facebook. All they are doing is selling everything they know about you to companies for a profit, and in the grand social scheme of things, you don't even get anything in return except crappy cellphone pics.