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My Facebook Timeline is telling me that my e-mail is not an account? - Printable Version

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My Facebook Timeline is telling me that my e-mail is not an account? - Brandy Todd - 02-26-2014 01:19 PM

Hello! Some help would be greatly appreciated.
I have had facebook for a few years now and log-in normally all the time. Well recently facebook timeline prompted me to update my e-mail address, since the one I created the account with is no longer one I use(very old). I finally did so, gave them my updated e-mail address, and it sent a confirmation to my e-mail so I could now use it from the updated e-mail. I logged in a couple times and it worked fine! I even went to my profile and made sure my new e-mail was hidden from my page as well as the silly one they gave us all.
*But now the question..I try to log-in this morning and this is what its telling me 'The email you entered does not belong to any account.'
Okay so not understanding, I even have the chrome where it automatically types your e-mail correctly so I know that's not the issue. I know facebook will never get around to helping me, but I need some smart people out there who have good answers!

I do need it working, I don't just use facebook for fun, there are certain people I keep in contact with our non-profit organization so I'd like to have my facebook back ! Thanks for reading sorry if its lengthy but please any help??
*Something I just tried because I happened to remember it, I put in my 'e-mail' that facebook gave me (they gave everyone one), and when I did that it did log me in.But it still won't work with my regular e-mail.

Have no clue what's up but I'm hoping they aren't switching all of our log-in's to the e-mail they gave us! I barely remembered mine, I doubt other people would.

Hopefully its just a glitch this morning, guess we'll see. Helps to know though its not just me..*

- lisa z - 02-26-2014 01:24 PM

Same here. I don't know what or how to resolve the sign in issue. You're right about Facebook support! There isn't any!

- southerngal - 02-26-2014 01:40 PM

Incorrect Email
The email you entered does not belong to any account.

I am having the same problem, it all started around 9am this morning.

Still waiting ...

- Jackie - 02-26-2014 01:56 PM

There's a problem with Ymail and Rocketmail. They deleted my account and this is the email they sent me:

Unfortunately, we can’t assist you until you reply and attach identification that verifies the name submitted in your request.

Please attach a copy of one government-issued ID (ex: driver's license or passport) or two documents from a respected institution or business. Together these documents must show your full name, photo, and date of birth.

Some examples of acceptable documents include:

- School or work ID
- Utility bill
- Marriage license
- Legal name change paperwork
- Credit card (with the number blacked out)
- Birth certificate

If possible, save this file as a JPEG and cover up any personal information that we don't need to verify your identity (ex: address, license number). We also recommend sending your attachments over a secure connection. Find out more here:

Note that we won't be able to assist you until we receive the proper documents.

The Facebook Team