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Gta 5 blimp code not working? (Xbox 360)? - Printable Version

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Gta 5 blimp code not working? (Xbox 360)? - Xav - 02-27-2014 06:10 PM

I know that the game has been out for months now and that i should of done this much earlier but I have never got round to doing it. Basically I pre-ordered the game and it came with the blimp code on that piece of paper in the box but it has been sitting there for months now because I hadn't tried to enter the code as I have been having to much fun on the game and online. And when I finally get round to putting the code in it says that it is not valid. I have tried many times to put it in and it just keeps rejecting it. I was wondering if the code had expired or something. I am wondering if anyone else is in the same situation. Anyway thanks and help will be much appreciated!
Btw I live in the uk and pre ordered the game from amazon.
Should i contact rockstar support? Thanks.

- RAMPANT R - 02-27-2014 06:16 PM

Who knows why this has happend to me previously with a game never found out why. The BLIMP isn't that special anyway its slow and boring and you can only use it on story mode.

- Thomas - 02-27-2014 06:20 PM

Contact microsoft from there site or tweet them @xboxsupport1 but do not put the codes in the tweet if they ask for the code diret msg them ( only if doing it by twitter )