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What to do when dating with a kid? - Printable Version

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What to do when dating with a kid? - Momtobe - 02-28-2014 10:16 AM

I got pregnant while I was broke up with my boyfriend well I was supposed to hang out with this guy (my boyfriend and I had been broken up for two months) well right before I was going to I found out I was pregnant, I didn't really know him so I didn't want to tell him sorry I'm pregnant I can't. My told him my phone broke and at the time I didn't use any social media so he could only text her phone if he wanted to talk to me. The other day h messaged me on facebook. Me and my daughters father broke up and he was saying we should hang out but he was drinking at the time to, he drinks a lot on weekends. I gave him my number and told him to text me the next day and he never did. He hasn't messaged me either. I was wondering what I should do? He's obviously interested because he has been before but I think he forgot to but I don't want to message him again and annoy him either.

- drunky - 02-28-2014 10:30 AM

I don't have any advice for your "love" life (loose use of the term), but I really think you should give the kid up for adoption. Just sayin', pregnant teen, alcoholic boyfriend, lives in a trailer park, lies about nonsense like cell phones (might have made one of those up)... you're basically Honey Booboo's mother waiting to happen.