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what would you do if someone made a page about you talking about how you look? - Printable Version

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what would you do if someone made a page about you talking about how you look? - john - 03-03-2014 03:09 PM

ok someone has stolen my daughters real life photo on facebook and is making fun of her and how she look what do I do to get it removed

- Stuffed Rabbit - 03-03-2014 03:23 PM

Take a screenshot, make a complaint to police.

- ? - 03-03-2014 03:32 PM

Um...just remove it. Or U can just let the girl be an @ss, she isn't really hurting ur daughter so it doesn't matter.

- Amy Yuuzuki - 03-03-2014 03:35 PM

report to the police

- EE - 03-03-2014 03:42 PM

You can report it. Reporting it as harassment will notify Facebook to remove it. They'll delete the account and everything will go back to normal. However, this person who is doing this to your daughter is only one of the many reasons why this world has turned to crap. I personally believe some legal action should be taken against this person just to send the message.

What this person is doing to your daughter is cyber bullying, which is illegal. Its a form of harassment and when people are bullying via social networking, they tend to be much harsher because they don't have to deal with confrontation. I would leave the account alone. Don't even report it. Call the police. Let them actually look at the facebook page. Tell them who you think it is (assuming you actually know). Then let them take care of it. I assume they can track this person down if you don't know. But yes, Cyber bullying is illegal. And besides being wrong on a legal scale, its just a terrible thing to do on a moral scale. Cyber bulllying isn't something people should be doing for fun. Its a real concern and many have contemplated suicide because of it.

I sincerely hope you get this person, and give them everything they have coming.