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How come nobody uses facebook anymore? - Printable Version

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How come nobody uses facebook anymore? - britnay - 03-09-2014 04:37 AM

Everyboby tweets and uses instagram now. What happened to facebook? There are only old peope there now lol

- mickster440 - 03-09-2014 04:44 AM

We are not old :-)

- Maurice - 03-09-2014 04:48 AM

Facebook is the new My Space, if you want to keep up, use Twitter and Instagram.

- pmt853 - 03-09-2014 05:02 AM

Lots of people use Facebook. Lots of people do not tweet or use Instagram. Check out the meaning of the words nobody and everybody.

- 797 - 03-09-2014 05:08 AM

Facebook still gets by far more traffic then Twitter or Instagram... Facebook gets about 800,000,000 unique visitors a month, Twitter gets 250,000,000... ( ). It might just be your circle of friends who have started to use Twitter and Instagram more often...

- whimsy - 03-09-2014 05:22 AM

I use facebook, so I suppose I am one of the OLD people you talk about.

- Leo - 03-09-2014 05:34 AM

I was on it until recently there are a lot of young people on facebook if you look properly. I think though that facebook has been around since 2004 so it's been around for 9 years everything has it's time eventually.

- JesAguy - 03-09-2014 05:38 AM

Only people that believe they have to jump on the bandwagon of the latest fad use tweets and instagram. There are a great deal of people that want to maintain friendships that use Facebook.