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Is nothing private anymore? - Printable Version

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Is nothing private anymore? - JBKS_10 - 03-14-2014 06:14 AM

I never give my mobile number just to anybody.....but this morning I got a message to say your parcel will be delivered to your house at a certain time I never gave them my mobile even if you dont give your number hook or by crook they will find
Footballer...I never give my mobile number online ..if I have to give a number it will be my landline....

- The Footballer - 03-14-2014 06:15 AM

Perhaps you gave it to Amazon or Ebay and have forgotten

- Deighton - 03-14-2014 06:26 AM

I'm sure you must have given it to the account, I imagine if you go and look at the personal details it will be there. Did you ever link the account with any other account, facebook or anything?

Call customer services and ask where they obtained the number. If they are using some sort of directory enquiries service, you could suggest that they don't do that. Find out what it is and ask to be removed.

It is actually a data protection issue, so they should explain what info they have.

- angelina - 03-14-2014 06:39 AM

I am inundated with Emails and texts regarding loan, PPI, bingo, competitions, surveys, debt, credit cards, bank loans, pay day loans, you name it they have been coming through every day. Some has sold my Email and mobile number on and i am having to inscribe to these unsolicited nuisances.
if you are not expecting a parcel then ignore it especially if they then want bank details etc!

- Jack H - 03-14-2014 06:42 AM

That's strange, you really do need to do what Deighton suggests, they are obliged to tell you...

- xpatinasia - 03-14-2014 06:45 AM

Yes, things are private.

- robert x - 03-14-2014 06:56 AM

These companies have ways and means to know everything about you.

- Celia H - 03-14-2014 06:59 AM

Complain to the Information Commissioner's Office, , because it's likely that an offence has been committed, and you may be able to claim civil damages too.

- Criminal Mind - 03-14-2014 07:09 AM

Be grateful your parcel is even being delievered!

- Amanda - 03-14-2014 07:26 AM

two words BIG BROTHER