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Should I by a gaming pc or build 1? - Printable Version

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Should I by a gaming pc or build 1? - Navinder - 03-15-2014 09:50 AM

- Q - 03-15-2014 09:54 AM

Building one is cheaper and you can add your own coustamizations to it, but it takes awhile and it takes a lot of trial and error if you don't know what your doimg

- Computers - 03-15-2014 09:58 AM

Building one.

You can learn how to build one in an hour, you'll save money doing so, and you can pick your parts depending on what you're doing on it (in this case, gaming). Lastly, you know you'll be getting quality parts. Prebuilt ones usually don't include the best parts.

- Josh - 03-15-2014 10:07 AM

I wouldn't suggest buying a pre-built gaming PC from staples or somewhere like that as they use big words like "Quad core processor"-that actually only has a base clock speed of 1.4) or it comes with "8gb" of ram-that is generic brand and is extremely slow.

If you are buying a prebuilt one from your local computer shop 99% of the time you can ask to have certain parts added or exchanged before you purchase it so in reality you are somewhat building it before you buy it.

Or you do it the fun way and plan out the things that you "want" and then make your budget and start off with a good processor and mothboard that are on the higher end side and then you can work your way up with other components as you can afford them. This way is sometimes better because of the rate electronics become outdated now-days this will prolong the life of your computer a bit more.

- Carling - 03-15-2014 10:23 AM

Build your own then download and install this free Linux operating system and games software. It's a big dowwnload of 3.7 gigabytes 'GameOver' 3.2 offers: access to games compiled for the Linux platform; access to 'popular' and 'modern' games via Steam and Desura platforms; access to many games created for MS Windows platform
get it from here

Check out Gaming On Linux website here

- Joseph - 03-15-2014 10:32 AM

First off, are you completely sure that you are up to the task of building your own computer? If so, then I would be willing to lend a hand in picking out parts and any questions you can have with it. I would suggest you take a look at a few youtube videos of people completing builds because picking out the parts is a lot easier than putting your system together. The cables and setting up your components and software can be confusing, especially if its your first build. After deciding you really want to put a computer together, then you can message me on my facebook at:
if you want my help. Please include the web link for this yahoo question though for reference, along with your budget, and what you want to use your computer for. Also, I would need to know if you want it to be able to play blu-rays or if a keyboard/mouse/monitor needs to included in the price. Or is you want to be able to upgrade it later on.

- N/A - 03-15-2014 10:44 AM

If you gotta ask then you're better off buying one

- Jack - 03-15-2014 10:48 AM

Build one: more customization. Just so you know, you shouldn't use bad grammar in the gaming community or you won't be accepted.

- 789 - 03-15-2014 10:49 AM

Build one its fun you get the specs you want and learn as you go along .

- Randel Kiesar - 03-15-2014 11:04 AM

to build your own custom build you need to have some tech knowledge it would be slightly cheaper then branded system. However acer and alienware are best gaming pcs you can check out what you need in custom build.