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Why are people becoming so sensitive? - Printable Version

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Why are people becoming so sensitive? - Jesse Google - 03-24-2014 10:30 AM

I hope everyone that has a tumblr, facebook, twitter, etc is noticing that you can barely say anything without everyone telling the original poster about how cruel they are. This is especially present in Canada, the US, and most of the UK. In Lebanon, where I am from, we have TV shows that make fun of homosexuals. Literally, all it is about is how homosexual men do things such as buying candles for "personal use". It's hilarious! BUT, if someone posts/writes/says something like, "women are usually more sensitive than men", then people (mostly women) begin to talk about how it's "stupid, sexist people like you that are ruining the world". Why can't any one accept facts, or even take a joke anymore?

- E - 03-24-2014 10:31 AM

Thanks to mass media and the social networking sites you mentioned, most people (it seems) are in a big 'comparison trap', as I call it.

I also find it basically hilarious. People all trying to be 'better' than each other and putting others down, etc. Sheesh. We're all just human beings, having a life experience which usually only lasts less than 100 years. 'Live and let live' is my motto. (or 'just passin' through').