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Deleting Facebook friends question? - Printable Version

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Deleting Facebook friends question? - BRi - 03-24-2014 11:33 AM

I recently graduated college and started my first job. Now I had over 530 friends on Facebook, but found my news feed to be cluttered with people I didn't care about. So after doing some research, I decided to delete my friends list to the Dunbar number of 150. (I now currently have 140 friends.) I kept friends from high school that I hung out with a lot, people I met when I studied abroad (never know when I'll go back to Europe), people I saw regularly in college, college roomies, some coworkers from my part time job that I went out with, some coworkers now, my family, and my boyfriend's family. Now tell me, I'm a 21 year old girl. Was that strange of me to want to do? I thought I'd feel better about my Facebook after I did that, but it made feel weird and a little anxious.

- Marisa - 03-24-2014 11:35 AM

I never delete any of my facebook friends. Not weird what you did though. I understand what you are saying.

- tink - 03-24-2014 11:37 AM

I think that deep down inside your feeling anxious about what the other people (that you deleted) will think or/and will say. If you didnt want it clutterd then thats your choice:-) afterall it is 'friends list' not 'anybody list' therefore if there not your friends you shouldnt have a problem :-)

- mikaele90 - 03-24-2014 11:47 AM

That's not weird at all! I deleted my Facebook over a year ago during my junior year of college & I have a surplus amount of 800+ friends lol It was pretty overwhelming, and so I decided to give it up for lent. I haven't activated it ever since! But what you did was pretty smart. Basically, people have you as friends just to be nosey and see what you're doing. More than half of my friends that I had on Facebook never said a word to me. I applaud you for cutting down your friends list to a minimum, or as you said the Dunbar number (I'd have to look up what that is lol). You're perfectly fine Smile

- Miss Shaye - 03-24-2014 11:50 AM

I think that that is very normal. I went through a phase where I deleted a person every time they had a weird status on my newsfeed. Then I began to worry that they would notice that I deleted them and then it wore off and became normal for me to delete people and not worry about their feelings since it was my page. I hope this helps you feel better about your decision

- Alex - 03-24-2014 11:53 AM

You shouldn't feel weird at all. I've done the same thing before. i never really see a point in keeping people you never talk to. if they were really your friends they would talk to you in person or on the phone. It's really annoying when you have a bunch of comments on facebook about somebody taking a shower or eating popcorn when you hardly know the person or care about what they are doing.

- Swarnkamal - 03-24-2014 11:57 AM's very normal n not wierd....i always do dis...i always keep a ''if-i-can-add-u-as-frnd-then-i-can-unfrnd-u-also'' attitude...Big Grin