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How can I make guys stop think so lowly of me? - Printable Version

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How can I make guys stop think so lowly of me? - Merp - 03-25-2014 06:48 AM

So. I'm a freshman in High School. And I am attracted to *** hole guys. Everyone says "JUST FIND A NICE GUY" well. That's a little hard when nice guys avoid you like the plague. Seven guys have asked me out this year. After two weeks of knowing them, each of them either wanted to do horny things with me.

Sometimes I can tell if the occasional nice guy starts to like me, but then he runs like hell after probably hearing not so good things about me, which is understandable i guess. A lot of these "nice guys" call me a ***** and make fun of me, call me a *****, stupid whore, etc. They'll follow me on social networking sites just to request me and see what I'm up to then quickly unfollow me. People always tell me to "change". Which basically means stop being reckless, horny, and stop showing off your body, which that's basically my personality. So.

SO.. my backstory I guess..

I have depression, or at least moderate depression. And am extremely sensitive and insecure about everything. And no, I haven't gotten molested, my dad lives with me, there really isn't anything wrong that I can point out about my home life. Except my parents are rude and critical all the time.

Like if a friend cancels on me I start crying and think she doesn't like me anymore. Showing off my body makes me feel soo much better, and when guys say they like me or something it also makes me feel better, even if I know they're just using me for something.

When I was 11, I really wanted sex. But I couldn't hang out with boys, so I got naked with my friend (a girl) and we fingered each other and stuff. I LIKE BOYS. In 7th grade, there was this guy friend. I could tell he liked me. I flashed him a few times and completely led him on. I let him grab my ***. Then he told the whole school we had sex. WE DIDNT. So I went to the counselor for sexual harassment against him, and the counselor I could tell thought I was a stupid whore who asked for it all. Which might be true I guess. Girls have never liked me, from the time I was younger. It was always hard for me to KEEP friends.

NOW.. let's forward to freshman year. I basically dated two guys at once. WE DIDNT DO ANYTHING. Guy 1, wanted to feel me up after like a week. Guy 2 wanted to have sex with me after a week. I could tell they were both using me so I just ditched both of them. They both found girlfriends days later.

Then, another guy came along.He kind of turned into a stalker. I did lead him on too, I sent him pictures of me blowing a kiss , etc. So, to get rid of him, I asked my other guy friend (Let's call him Mason) to send him an threatening text. Mason texted the stalker ""I will beat you up if you don't leave my girlfriend alone" (He liked me) So then Mason got arrested.. and suspended...

Mason's done drugs and over stuff. Anyways I friendzoned Mason at homecoming but then felt horny so I changed my mind and made out with him, he felt me up and unzipped my dress completely. I didn't know, and walked around with my whole dress unzipped :/. Then I completely discarded Mason, unfollowed him on social media and was just really mean to him in like a "we were a one time thing get the **** away" thing and he told me he loved me and wanted to date me and stuff.

ANYWAYS I told my mom I kissed a boy at homecoming, and she completely glared at me and was like "What else did you do?" !!. And she doesn't let me have a snap chat because I get asked for nudes all the time. I've almost sent a few.
Nah. That was a fucking horrible, boring answer.
WOW THANKS FUCKER. That really helps. That solves all of my problems. Not to focus on boys. Just like in math, when I need help, to solve my math problems I should focus on other things and just fail the course.

- kuji nushi - 03-25-2014 06:53 AM

dont let guys use u like that

an u answer mine now

- Briana - 03-25-2014 06:55 AM

oh high school I do not miss thee! Girl who GAF what they think or say about you! Screw stupid boys.. find someone outside of your school if anything! high school boys= waste of tears and time

- Carlos - 03-25-2014 07:05 AM

I suggest you stop with the dating for awhile, Maybe join cheerleading or something of that sort since you like showing off your body. I also suggest you focus on school I can't stress how important an education is for life, have fun and make yourself happy first and in time a respectable boy will come into your life.

- Josh - 03-25-2014 07:20 AM

Some guys are pigs like that... I'm sorry but I don't know what to tell you, other than the fact that you should find a nice guy that wont use you...

- Carlos - 03-25-2014 07:28 AM

Erm. Well. People probably base their opinion of you on your past. It's not a great track record and if you want people to think differently you really need to change.
I kinda know your situation, and you really need to calm down a bit. Stop getting with people, stop showing off your body, just spend a while chilling out a bit. Disappear of the radar and move on with your life.
If you want a nice guy to like you, you really have to bd nice back, chat to them, and even use the friend zone as a positive. If you are friends with lots of nice, relaxed people they will rub off on you, and your reputation will change as you move on.
Remember, nice people normally have nice friends, so expand your friendship circles to include them, and you will get to know plenty of nice guys. Don't go looking for it, if will come to you. And when it's there ding abuse it.

Basically in brief, quit the old ways, make new friends with nice people and put the past behind you.

- 653 - 03-25-2014 07:38 AM

"And no, I haven't gotten molested"
Not sure I believe that; your post sounds very "Little Girl Voice"-esque. Maybe not your dad, but this might be another child.

I get a very high low self-esteem vibe from you (and I can say as a guy that guys tend to be good at picking up on when a girl has low-self esteem). Not normal teenage girl low-self esteem, either...this is way beyond that level. I don't know why it is, but I can also definitely pick up on some major trauma at some point in your life. The "wanting sex at 11" thing is actually really, really, not normal and not ok at all. That's a pretty major warning sign of something deep in your past. Another sign of severe low self-esteem is you slamming people who come on to help you, since a part of you doesn't know why they would even bother trying to help someone like you, so their advice must be worthless anyway (that part of you-the destructive part-that's doing a lot of the talking psychologically).

The reason guys treat you like a whore is because you treat yourself like one due to some trauma somewhere. You admit that you don't like yourself and are extremely insecure, and that "showing off my body makes me feel soo much better, and when guys say they like me or something it also makes me feel better, even if I know they're just using me for something". Okay, that's called a coping mechanism:

It's just not a very good coping mechanism, and it will stop working shortly, and you'll have to keep going further to get that good feeling back. And guys will keep pressuring you, since they have a reasonable expectation of succeeding (hint: if you're flashing guys, they think you're going to have sex with them. May not be true, but that's what you're telling them; in your own words: "I completely led him on", "I basically dated two guys at once", "I did lead him on too," "I friendzoned Mason at homecoming but then felt horny so I changed my mind and made out with him,".

See, the thing is, that destructive part of you I mentioned earlier? It hates you so much and thinks you are so worthless that it wants to make sure you are never happy, and it leads you into behaviors that are not going to help you and in fact hurt you, and put you in bad situations (this is called acting out).
You probably genuinely want love and affection from these guys, but also probably can't mentally/emotionally actually process love, so you settle for attention, even if that still scares you in some way.

What you need to do is get therapy/counseling; you will never get guys to stop thinking lowly of you until you stop thinking lowly of yourself, and that's not going to happen on it's own. As long as you are chasing guys, you're going to do that by "being reckless, horny, and stop showing off your body." (that's not your personality, by the way, it's the self-destructive part of you thinking that's all your worth). Even if you go after boys now, you're going to go after the wrong boys or you're going to sabotage any relationships you have because of that self-destructive element.

This doesn't go away, and if you don't take actions to fix it, it gets worse. I'm sorry to say I've met the 25-year old version of you; she's really unhappy, cannot really enjoy herself sexually because she's let so many guys use her that it becomes physiologically impossible for her to connect with someone through sex (she's overloaded the oxytocin receptors up there is the short answer for why). She's banging a lot of dudes, hoping that she'll fall in love with one of them, but she's unlikely to do so (and she has never resolved a lot of other issues she has). The good news is you're only 14-15, so you don't have to end up being her: you can still fix this; it's not easy to learn to love and appreciate yourself, but it is doable.

Good luck and God bless.