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For a class debate I am debating why we need facebook. Any suggestions? Thanks.? - Printable Version

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For a class debate I am debating why we need facebook. Any suggestions? Thanks.? - misscaz14 - 03-31-2014 07:30 AM

For a class debate I am debating why we need facebook. Any suggestions or help would be awesome. Best answer gets 10 points! Thanks.

- Soccerstarjim - 03-31-2014 07:34 AM

Saves the world millions of dollars, saving money on text and calls

- Justin - 03-31-2014 07:36 AM

1) Because people are becoming prudes
2) Our society is becoming socially inept
3) People need less conspicuous ways of stalking each other

- Chris Ramos - 03-31-2014 07:40 AM

There are a few reasons that I can think of off of the top of my head:

1. Business. Hundreds, i fnot thousands, of brand names have a Facebook. They're great for advertising.
2. Social. There are more than enough people looking for classmates and a place to talk with friends.

That's about it. :|

- curious115 - 03-31-2014 07:56 AM

I do not know if anyone needs it. For me, a senior citizen I have my maiden name in the hopes of finding some people I lost touch with over the years. That's why I have it.

- Sawyer - 03-31-2014 08:06 AM

1) Advertising
2) To communicate with people that you haven't seen in a while.
3) It's entertaining... Big Grin
4) Good way to catch up on the 'gossip'.. haha

- Rachel Brown - 03-31-2014 08:11 AM

I love debates :3

well a major one would be communication - Facebook had it's own email/message system as well as real time chat, it's not blocked by region and you can talk to people in other countries without any time gap and it's cheaper when compared to phone calls.

There's also the business advantages with advertisements opening up opportunities for businesses and consumers. the game applications are also a self run business that can be advertised and spread around Facebook to increase profit.

facebook is also becoming like youtube, where people can be discovered through a click of a button, and the privacy is so good that it provides people with a comfortable and stress free environment. It has a range of applications that can provide anything between entertainment and jobs.

You can also upload photo's and videos, so that your friends can enjoy every moment that you want to share with you. The fan pages can help you get insight into what's happening around the world. I've even done several assignments just from clicking the like button XD