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People stealing my content? - Printable Version

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People stealing my content? - Nena - 04-01-2014 03:46 PM

Ok so basically I post my sims that I take time to find cc and download and find all this stuff and I make sims and I post them on Instagram.
Now I was browsing through a sims pictures and normally when there are a lot of comments I read them. So I was scrolling by a picture of someone telling ppl to report someone for stealing there sim, and we're subbed to each other so I reported her and looked through her photos just incase she stole anyone else's sims, then I saw 2 of mine, and I just started simming on u instagram so I don't have as many followers as she does or get as many likes. I got about 6 likes on both pictures, she uploaded them as her own without giving me any credit and got 20 likes on it -_- help me report her please my Instagram is @simflakes
Thanks so much if you do help and give flood feedback 💕

- 858 - 04-01-2014 03:52 PM

If it's on the Internet, someone will steal it. If you don't want it stolen, don't post it.
Reporting people is an never ending process. You find one but there are 10 more out there you don't see.

- Matt - 04-01-2014 04:08 PM

The internet is great. With the world wide web we are connected like never before. News travels almost instantly and communities of like-minded individuals can easily come together and share their passion. Without the world wide web, witty and informative websites like Skinny Artist could never exist.

- Doraa Weasleyy - 04-01-2014 04:16 PM

just a tip:

to help prevent this in future, put a watermark on your pictures (somewhere its difficult to get off, so not right in the corner)
make it have your username and also "do not steal" in small writing so that if someone does post it, their followers will know it was stolen c:

- Timothy - 04-01-2014 04:17 PM

Before you post your pictures, add a watermark that says your username, so when she steals it, she can't repost it, because everyone will know she stole it from you.

I reported her account for you Smile