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Does anyone else here get fired up when somebody mocks or insults our troops? - Printable Version

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Does anyone else here get fired up when somebody mocks or insults our troops? - Brett Favre † Give me Liberty or give me Death - 10-15-2012 08:20 PM

Look at this moron, on this Facebook page. I think we have a consensus that support our troops, whether we agree with the wars or not, can some people join me in educating this lowlife?
Wow, are you kidding? I don't support freedom of speech? You're ******* stupid. I know he has the right to say what he wants, did I say to get government agents over there to lock him up? No, I said we need to tell this guy what a ******* idiot he is, which is freedom of speech. You're as stupid as it gets.
@ Janko- No matter the reason, they are still risking their lives for our Country.

- xpatinasia - 10-15-2012 08:28 PM

Nope. Since you're a conservative, you only support the freedom of speech if someone agrees with you.

- Vahe - 10-15-2012 08:28 PM

Yes I do , even though I was born in Armenia ,where no troops were insulted since peoPle had brains. In America people think its funny to joke around about our troops, which is a very stupid idea, because out troops don't take there job in a joking way They take it very seriously.

- CEMC - 10-15-2012 08:28 PM

There are idiots who post this stuff because they think it`s funny, or they honestly don`t support the troops. But we all know they`re idiots, so we just have to let them live in their happy land where they`re the greatest and everyone else is the idiot. Know what I mean?

- delightfulbaseball921 - 10-15-2012 08:28 PM


Been called far worse.

- mgan - 10-15-2012 08:28 PM

Nope! I could care less what some unknown person posts on their Facebook page. Just having a Facebook page to post this on goes to show how immature they are, so I don't let it bother me! If your panties are in a bunch, then deal with it!

- Havoc - 10-15-2012 08:28 PM

Meh, as much as I hate how ungrateful and disrespectful the majority of the world is, it's their rights and I will lay down my life for their right to be a douche.

The world is already fcked up as it is and I strongly believe the stuff we do is pretty meaningless.

What-eves, the most important thing is to carry ourselves the way we want ourselves and others to be treated and not let stupid comment or actions affect us.

- CG-23 Sailor - 10-15-2012 08:28 PM

Xpat, that would be liberals you are thinking of, not conservatives. Anyone opposing the liberal point of view is automatically labelled BY liberals as a racist. I am a conservative and a Military veteran and though I despise what you say, I have defended your right to say it.Got the DD-214 to prove it. Liberals on the other hand want to go to great lengths to shut down and silence the opposing (conservative) view.

To the question. Online by a faceless idiot? No. And that page you link to is nothing but a troll. Likely does not even believe the BS he or she posts, simply posts in order to piss people off. They are wanting the reaction, they don't actually care about the words. Trying to heard up a bunch to go there and "teach them a lesson" is just falling for their trap and giving them what they want, a bunch of pissed off people.

Now in person. I had someone mouth off about some troops in my presence. His buddies were picking him up off the floor moments later. Slander the military service all you want, but go talking sh!t about the individual troops in my presence and you WILL be taught a lesson in respect for your betters.

- Janko - 10-15-2012 08:28 PM

I am not mocking our troops but not all of them sign up to serve some are in just for the benefits. No we should not support wars that have no meaning sorry but thoose people have a right to freedom of speech too that is why it is called a free country. I do not hate on our troops but when they call me a wuss for not going I really get upset firstly you signed the contract you were not drafted and secondly why would I want to serve the United States. Sorry but not all of our troops are their for our country tons of kids from my graduating class went in to get the benefits and nothing else that is why they went into the reserves. I hate it when people want to bring back the draft it is stupid all it would do is create a bunch of people who do not want to be there you have to not have a military draft to call yourself a free society. We civilians do not get nearly as much tuition assistane and the military veterans and people in the military probably have life better in some ways than we civilians do so really do not call us sissies we pay taxes for your benefits and for your paychecks. I have known people who served after vietnam and they said that the benefits were absolutely horrible but they did not go just for the benefits they went to serve their country more than for the benefits. The military is alot better than it used to be we spend much more than any other nation on it. No that guy is not a complete idiot he is right about some things firstly do not expect the public to support just any war the government wants to go on that is not freedom it is like north korea the public will not just blindly support any war. Why would someone unconditinally back a government if they turned on their own citizens I hope not. That sounds a awful lot like a dictatorship to me if you force people to accept the republican or democrat way of life that is not the country I want to live in you cannot make a decision over someone elses life. Just blindly supporting wars is not a very good idea for america sometimes the military needs to get criticized they are not as friendly as people would think a guy coming home from the war was wounded and they sent him a bill for his missing equipment and now they are garnishing his wages because he cannot afford to pay it.

- Grizzly Man - 10-15-2012 08:28 PM

The kid is just spewing from the mouth to piss people off. The contest proves that. "Go to justin's page... Now go to support our troops page... compare reactions... and win" Yes he is a dirt ball but he has a right to do that.
My uncle fought in vietnam and got spit on in the airport when he arrived home. He fought for his country and risked his life for that scum's right. No matter the war or conflict our troops risk their life for the greater good not just for America but for other countrys as well.
By letting him get you all fired up and ready to form a lynch mob he already accomplished his goal. Don't fall for this kids game.