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Can I block Pages on Facebook? - Printable Version

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Can I block Pages on Facebook? - None - 10-15-2012 08:24 PM

My sister keeps sharing pictures (memes, quotes, etc...) from Facebook Page's that she's Liked. I am soooo sick of her flooding my Home Page with them. Like, does she seriously need to post every single picture she sees???? Anyways, I think if I can block these Pages I won't see their pics anymore. Can I do that somehow? I don't want to delete my sister. I could hide her posts from my News Feed, I guess... I'd rather block the Pages.

- msnfreak2004 - 10-15-2012 08:32 PM

the little arrow that you press to hide her posts, use that little arrow and there should be an option, block all posts by this application etc, otherwise you could just set the most important posts to show up in your news feed.

i would tell her to stop doing it though, i doubt she realises how much she is probably annoying her other friends by doing that it frustrates me so much, Like yeah i want to see a baby that has been dumped in a trashcan while im sitting on the train to work in the morning.