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What I do for connect my laptop to internet in xp? - Printable Version

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What I do for connect my laptop to internet in xp? - kaustubh - 04-08-2014 06:14 PM

I have formatted my laptop with xp. But i can't connect my spidigo brodband internet. Even I can't see any icon of local area connection in internet connection and also no icon fo wifi connection as in windows 7 we get 3 connection in internet connection. So reply me with full method.
I don't find any connection in control panel>Network and Internet connection>Network Connection

- WayneH - 04-08-2014 06:21 PM

Did you install the networking drivers, wired/Ethernet and wireless?

- Sarcasticbook586 - 04-08-2014 06:28 PM

Go to Start
Control panel
Network Sharing
Click connect to a network
If it finds your network, highlight it and click connect.

- Ramesh - 04-08-2014 06:32 PM

first check whether u have the drivers installed by going to my computer.right device manager. check if all the drviced are installed. mosltly it seems the driver is not installed. now search for cd which u must have got with the laptop. if not then download driver for ethernet adapter fromwebsite of the laptop brand. this will give u the icon and then search for wifi and connect

- CLD - 04-08-2014 06:37 PM

You need a wireless interface card (either a internal card you can install manually, or a simple-to-install USB dongle), and its associated drivers for your platform/OS. Then, you will require a wireless router (also called a wireless/WLAN access point) to connect to your modem that you get from your ISP.