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How can I get really buff? - Printable Version

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How can I get really buff? - Prepboy - 10-15-2012 08:36 PM

I have been working out now since January of 2012, I try to hit the gym at least 3 times a week but I have work and college so sometimes its hard but not too much. Here's a link to my facebook page so you guys can see what I look like now!/jarvis.quarte… I get compliments from women and all but I know im still nowhere near where I wanna be. Im trying to get built like Bane on Batman or Tom Hardy I should say. Or Sean Sherk from the UFC.

So my question is How can I get really built by next summer. Right now I can bench 205 trying to get up to 225 soon. Ive heard the way to bulk up is lift a heavy weight and eat alot of calories. Also some protein. But ever since ive tried it this way i feel like im getting smaller but others have said I seem bigger but i dont feel it. Can someone tell me how to bulk up?

- Young Toon - 10-15-2012 08:44 PM

P90X thats what i did

- Ben - 10-15-2012 08:44 PM

you relise the more buff you get you will be fat , and you will be unatractive to girls , girlls dont like buff guys , i hope your not building up muscle for this reason , ok why am i telling you this , i use proten shake but i notice i started using it alot i gain fat and my six pack was going , so i dont use proten shake much anymore , this is what could happen to you , do you want be arms or keep your sex pack if you have one now

- Ck - 10-15-2012 08:44 PM

there are a lot of correct ways to lift weights or get buff as you put it. First figure out what your goals are not only in weights lifted but what you want to look like. Then plan a training program based on those goals. You will need to be sure you add to the training a proper diet, lots of water, and proper rest. If you are in college remember drinking can affect your results and will delay results. Calories are important based upon you BMR and increasing that by at least 500 calories. They must be the correct calories with Proteins being 50%, Carbs 40% and fats 10%. There are some other proportions some advocate but it will depend upon your goals and where you are now. You need to track your training and results and find the program which gives you the best results. There are a lot of correct ways to do some of this, so a little expermentation is going to be needed. Some advocate supplements which are OK so long as you know why you are taking them and try only quality products. The hard part is everyone will have a "perfect solution" and one does not exist. But with some proper planning, a little research and some hard work you can eaisly reach your goal by next summer unless you are starting with not much in the way of muscle. Let me know if you have specific questions.