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Why won't ebay load? - Printable Version

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Why won't ebay load? - Jake - 04-08-2014 07:27 PM

Other websites are loading fine and at normal speeds, however eBay and yahoo answers aren't loading at all, it takes about 4 minutes to load a page and even then it doesn't load properly.

So I tried loading yahoo answerson my mobile and ebay on my mobile and it works fine. (My mobile isn't connected to my wifi)

How can I fix this?

- Jordan Peck - 04-08-2014 07:30 PM

Now and again mostly all websites can become unresponsive for a variety of reasons, from minor to major. Sometimes scheduled maintenance from the inside, a large surge of traffic trying to enter the site/log-in or a spike in traffic causes the server to 'crash'.

I'd leave it a while and retry within a short period of time. If your using Mozilla Firefox try this;

- Go to the Tools Menu -> Options
- Under the Content Tab, click Advanced for Enable Javascript
- Uncheck all items and click OK.
- Close and restart Firefox.

If it still doesn't work and based on your description saying that you're mobile device connects from another external signal, not your Wireless transmissions; restart your router and internet browser. If it still doesn't work after all these tips, please contact me and I'll provide further help.

- Kunal - 04-08-2014 07:38 PM

because Ebay is very big company and have Good servers.