Twitist Forums shows my internet download speed as 1.08 MBPS but.? - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: shows my internet download speed as 1.08 MBPS but.? (/thread-132418.html) shows my internet download speed as 1.08 MBPS but.? - Aditya - 04-08-2014 07:39 PM shows my internet download speed as 1.08 MBPS but when I download, Speed is only 140Kbps. What the hell this is ??? My Internet is so slow..... Why ??? Even Google takes a Minute to open.
System Specs :
Linux ubuntu 12.04 LTS 32-Bit
Intel Celeron 900 @ 2.2Ghz
Any help is appreciated ....

- Ash - 04-08-2014 07:41 PM

You must be seeing your internet bandwidth. It refers to the volume of information per unit of time that an Internet connection can handle.

Here's a quick analogy: Data is to available bandwidth as water is to the size of the pipe. In other words, as the bandwidth increases, so does the amount of data that can flow through in a given amount of time, just like as the size of the pipe increases, so does the amount of water that can flow through during a period of time.
140kbps is about right

- Arsby - 04-08-2014 07:48 PM

Be very careful of using a capital B and small b in Mbps and MBps. b = bits, B = bytes. Bytes are 8 times bigger than bits, so it's not surprising, because 140 KBps = 1120 Kbps, which is 1.120 Mbps.

- DeMoNsLaYeR575 - 04-08-2014 07:57 PM

it is very important to know the difference between KBps and Kbps
KBps is kilobytes per second while Kbps is kilobits per second

one byte is 8 bits... so the Kbps should be 8 times as large as the KBps in your case 1Mbps is about 125KBps so in reality you are getting the exact amount of speed you should be

- Boss - 04-08-2014 08:06 PM

You might need to call your ISP.