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How do I do things outside of school with friends I make in school? - Printable Version

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How do I do things outside of school with friends I make in school? - Mordecai - 04-08-2014 08:28 PM

A girl in one of my classes wants to be friends and I have had a crush on her for a while now but I don't know how we can become friends that aren't just "school friends". I want to ask her for her account so I can talk to her with social media but I don't know how to do it without creeping her out. I kind of want to wait for her to ask me so I can avoid that chance. I really suck at being social and haven't really done a lot with friends outside of school but I'm feeling more motivated since I like her
Also there's this club that she's in and I want to join next year. If I get in the club what should I do to talk to her more? I always see people in clubs have their own groups of friends and I want to do that with her since it'll probably help to do things outside of school

- William - 04-08-2014 08:35 PM

Just ask her if she wants to go see a movie or go get something to eat. And if you intend for this to be a date, say that. A key quality that attracts girls is if you are sincere and confident.

- neurology - 04-08-2014 08:45 PM

Just start a normal convo be like hey? How are you? And say i pretty much have everyone on FB except you and be like, have you got FB (everybody has FB) and be like I haven't got u have I? (Unsure face) and ask her name and be like I'll add you if you don't mind Smile