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short url vs .com domain name's keyword strength, seo google rank? - Printable Version

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short url vs .com domain name's keyword strength, seo google rank? - Satan - 04-09-2014 12:01 AM

please help i've looked for answer and it's unclear. from my understanding using a country code like will rank just as well as .com if not better for that country when using, but if using a dot com or dot net is better. i also read that if you use url short like bitly that google gives the favor to the landing page - - - okay so my question is; how does it affect the strength of the domain keyword.itself? for example how does compair to (lets say in this case all other seo factors were equall between the two) - - - Will google read as "lawnmower" ? And obviously .com is the best choice but how much worse is a country domain? (and i mean vs , and not

thank you much !

- Neil - 04-09-2014 12:07 AM

Forget about seo in this instance. What is your market?

Is it just the UK or is it worldwide? If in your example for lawnmower you want want a UK domain if its for selling/repairing lawn mowers but if it for generic information on lawn care it could be a .com

- Marina - 04-09-2014 12:17 AM

You are making a simple theme to complicate.

For worldwide I would use .com .net
For Uk use - you will have better ranking in uk
Australia use -you will have better ranking in Australia

There is not preferences from google, all you need to do is follow google guidelines.