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My internet addiction? - Printable Version

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My internet addiction? - Alyssa - 04-11-2014 07:50 AM

I need help deciding something. So I have this really bad Twitter addiction. I'll stay on the computer for maybe 5+ hours every single day. I hardly get out of the house. Due to my addiction I've lost all my friends and I'm pretty sure I lost all my social skills too. I've been feeling depressed and upset lately because of it and I no longer enjoy getting on as much as I used too. I want my old life back. My friends and all. I've been thinking lately about deleting my Twitter account. I think that'd be best. I know if I don't i'll never have the willpower to stay away if I don't delete it. So by the way I describe my addiction do you think it'd be best to delete my twitter? I need honest answers and answers asap. I want to decide by the end of this week. Thanks.
btw sorry for adding this in the wrong category

- James - 04-11-2014 08:01 AM

Do what you think is best. Clearly, you want your old life back and it is obvious that your Twitter account is hindering you from doing so. If I were you, I'd delete it and get out of the house. Life isn't only limited to Twitter, Facebook and the like, or the internet for the matter. Smile