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Should i wait for her to unblock me first? - Printable Version

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Should i wait for her to unblock me first? - thunderingbucket856 - 04-27-2014 11:53 PM

Im 14 and i like a girl
But my friends lied to me that she like me , i was flirting with her a lot and now she block me on instagram . I just find out that my friends lie to me about that . I ask her best friends why she do that and her best friend said we dont hate you , you came too strong and that creep ( the girl i like name ) out

I show her best friend the text my friends give me and she said she warn me before . What can i do? I being play....
next day at the gym her best friend ask if i was ok and she said that people talk about me are a hole and her friends say it was a misunderstanding between me and the girl i like. I said im sorry to her and she say it ok , it all my friend fault .
I ask her if she can unblock me and she said yes . I havent unblock her yet and i havent see her unblock me . Should i wait and see what happen or unblock her first??
And i hear that she going to the office with me to report the other guy ( she a witness)

- Napoleonic - 04-27-2014 11:58 PM

Those aren't friends dude. I'm kind of in the same situation. I don't know if my friend is lying or not. But enough of me, you need to wait. And dump your friends, they're butts. But if you really like her, you'd unblock her first. But since you don't want to come on strong, just wait.