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How to start and continue a conversation with a guy over Facebook? - Printable Version

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How to start and continue a conversation with a guy over Facebook? - 997 - 05-05-2014 08:03 AM

So I want to message this guy I've liked for a while now. I'm in high school and I see him at lunch, but I don't have any classes with him this semester. He's more of a guy who gets hit on by every girl in school, but he's not dating any of them (as far as I know he doesn't) he keeps more to himself, like he doesn't have to be the Center of attention and that's why I like him. But I wanna take it farther and message him over Facebook. If I say 'hi' an he says hi back like maybe I'll say what's up? But like what am I suppose to say if he says nothing, and then the conversation ends and he never messages me again. I'm gonna feel like an idiot. I don't want to message him every day just to keep a convo going and I be the would never message me on his own because I'm still not sure he even likes me . (He's a popular attractive guy and I'm just normal me, not the pretties girl in school that's for sure) any ideas? I'm really nervous and I don't wanna mess up, help ? Thank you!!

- Lizzie - 05-05-2014 08:09 AM

(I might travel away from the question) I have the same problem, don't have any classes with him, except lunch. Something we do is we wait for each other after school for a hug, and wait until one of our rides arrive, that way he have a little bit of time to talk. I also sometimes walk him to class, because my schedule is a bit different and allows me to. Instead of asking 'what's up?' ask him how his day was, or what he enjoyed about today. I too am afraid of being with my bf, he's cute, funny, very smart, and talks to everybody, where as I am average looking, shy, don't talk to many people, smart, and my sense of humor sucks. But I think we gotta learn to trust each other, that's what being together is all about, trust, communication, patience, support, and more. When you see him in the halls give him a wink or do something that makes you remind him your his girlfriend. I mean any girl can pass him and say 'hi' but his girlfriend gets to wink at him, give surprise hugs, hold his hand and more! Good luck!