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How to ask a girl to hang over Facebook? - Printable Version

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How to ask a girl to hang over Facebook? - 423 - 05-11-2014 10:01 AM

Ok, this girl, her phone was stolen so I can't call her. She posted it on fb so I got no choice other than to contact her. I wanna ask her to hang but what should I saw to her? Also what is the best place to ask her. We do know each other, but not as well as friends. I didnt wanna fall on the friendzone but everytime we talk we got good convos and she always seems interested. So what shoudl I say to her.

- jet l - 05-11-2014 10:15 AM

hey wanna go out with me to the movies?
if you're too scared to write it, copy and paste

- James Blackley - 05-11-2014 10:27 AM

Hey wanna grab coffee sometime?

- womensadvice - 05-11-2014 10:33 AM

Ok I'm a girl so I think I know what to say. You could be really un-noticeable and post a like for truth is on your fb: if she likes it give her a truth is "I think you are cute and we should really hang out soonSmile" like that.
Or you could message her saying "hey (name) I really want to be closer friends with you and was wondering if you wanted to hang out sometime" or you could be DIRECT COMPLETELY AND SAY WARNING THIS IS HOGHLY DANGEROUS AND COULD PUT YOU IN THE FRIEND ZONE..."hi (name) I think your pretty and I wanted to ask you if you would go out with me" hope this helped Smile good luck