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please help with SEO! Im new to web development? - Printable Version

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please help with SEO! Im new to web development? - D. V - 05-19-2014 12:20 AM

Hi all,

I am building a website,

The site is in its first stages now, but I am trying to already make it available to readers and searchable online.

How do I do the whole SEO thing? I cannot find my site on yahoo or msn even though I submitted my url, and google only finds one or two pages.

How can I make it be findable on say google, and make it so that its findable the same day that I post an article?

Please visit my site, any advice is appreciated!!

Also, plz click on an ad to support me Smile

thanks so much!

- JoePonzio - 05-19-2014 12:30 AM

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is more than just listing your site with Google, MSN, etc. You have to find a balance between giving your readers great content and providing enough keywords to let the search engines know what your site is about.

1) Unless you can get a link from a quality site already indexed with Google, MSN, etc, you will not see your site in the results for a few weeks (or months).

2) The more "fresh" content you post, the quicker the search engine spiders will come back. Google likely searches Yahoo! Answers a number of times a day because of all the changes we make. The less often you change your content (or post new content), the less the spiders will come back - though they will come back. If you want your site to have new content indexed daily, you have to first give the spiders a reason to keep checking in on you. This takes weeks of daily updating.

3) Write great content so that other sites want to link to you. The hardest part about launching a site is the first few months - when you are working your tail off and few people notice. The whole "SEO thing" takes months.

4) Do some offline promotion to drive visitors. If you can create a buzz about your site, whether online or offline, you will be able to generate traffic and links - two things that search engines love.

5) Make use of proper HTML tags. Your important keywords or keyphases should be in <h1>, <h2>, and <h3> tags, in the <title> of your document, and in other places as well - keeping in mind that you do not want to drive your visitors crazy! Being #1 in Google or Yahoo! means nothing if people can't read your page because every other word is "investments".

6) Get rid of most of that JavaScript. Search engines do not read or index JavaScript - they index sites as if they were blind people reading braile. All the flashy lights and highlighted buttons in the world will mean nothing if the spiders can't get through the JavaScript to the next page.

7) Cut back on the ads or make them smaller and move them to the bottom-right of the page. If your primary intention is to make money from ads at the expense of readers and content, you have way too much competition in the "investment" web field to survive. If, on the other hand, you want to provide unique investment insight and offer paid ads, make sure the ads do not interfere with your content.

8) Take advantage of Google's services for site owners: Analytics, SiteMaps.

9) It looks as though your group is blogging. Make sure you have an atom or rss feed and that you submit it to blog pinging services.

10) The list goes on and on - do a search for Search Engine Optimization, SEO forums, etc. to find a zillion techniques that will help.

Finally, have patience. It takes weeks for sites to get listed, months for spiders to figure out the proper keywords and crawl rates, and years to become an expert.

- None - 05-19-2014 12:45 AM

the site below is the easiest and cheapest way to SEO. it will get you in the top ten listings for keywords of your choice which will bring you a lot of free traffic. this is what you want just starting off. so you don't have to pay for advertising mistakes. it will more than pay for itself. stay away from firms that charge you thousands of dollars. i learned my lesson. this site has software that will make it very easy to get you it the top of Google and Yahoo without any knowledge at all! It is what I used to get to the tops of search engines and now I make 10-20 sales a day without paying a dime for advertising!

Go here:

Good Luck!

- - 05-19-2014 12:50 AM

Try to get backlinks from RELATED websites. Ask them for link exchanges, so your site will be indexed quickly by the search engines.

Some tips to get your site crawled by spiders frequently:

1. submit to web directories

2. take advantage of social bookmarking sites

(info to do this: Smile)

3. make high-quality content

Oh, about the thing that you're asking (click ads to support you), that is AGAINST Adsense's TOS. You WILL be banned once they notice invalid clicks.