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Why hasn't she accepted my Instagram request? - Printable Version

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Why hasn't she accepted my Instagram request? - 211 - 05-20-2014 05:06 AM

So I've been sitting next to this girl, we talk everyday in class. And I could say we have a decent friendship. Sometimes I catch her looking at me from the side of me, which sort of makes me thinks she likes me. I mean everytime we talk, we make excessive eye contact, & we like to help each other out. Our class is science, anatomy. Recently we checked each others blood pressure but her heart beat was pretty rapid. But anyways I was wondering why she hasn't accepted my request on Instagram -_- . She changed her name too but she hasn't accepted nor declined it. It's been sitting there, and I don't think I did anything wrong? She still talks to me like nothing? Ugh. I just need an explanation lol.

- Narvand Maarij - 05-20-2014 05:08 AM

No offense but just because she looks at you and talks to you doesn't mean she likes you.
Maybe she missed it and didn't notice it..

You'll never know unless you ask her.. From the sounds of it I think she just see's you as a friend.