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How I am suppose to deal with my ex when I'm seeing him? - Printable Version

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How I am suppose to deal with my ex when I'm seeing him? - 520 - 05-20-2014 11:04 AM

I broke up with my ex cousin in 2010 due no feelings for him after his mother and my mother had some discussion about the ideas of us to be together. I was only 12 yr old when my mother had to offer me her nephew to be in a relationship with me for future marriage. But at that times, l didn't know how to say no.

So he knows a whole story too and I know his history, he got cheated on me, his immature and always busy for work.

Now, he created his few fb account and added me. So I messge him to get know if he is in a relationship then I would be so happy for him but he hasn't. He says he is a better man now and put in order to say that he know who he love. He says he love me but I don't have any feelings for him after we got broke up in a long distance relationship through online msn in 2010.

So now I feel so much anger, scared and less happy (sad) because of my family are going oversea to meet all cousins for a holiday. But I don't want to see him ever because he suddenly become so obsession of me after we got broke up. Sad

Any tips or advice about what else to make him believe that l don't want him and have no feelings for him? I told him a few times that he must move on like I did already.

Im having meltdown emotional because I don't want to go oversea in a few months left. Sad I have worse anxiety

- john - 05-20-2014 11:15 AM

Talk to your folks.
Might be embarrassing but they'll know exactly what you mean and the best way to deal with it.