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internet connection problem? - Printable Version

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internet connection problem? - fransolivier - 06-01-2014 04:50 AM

i have this laptop and one day it just lost the connection to the internet....i went to the pc shop and he connected it to his internet cable and it worked i connected another pc to my line and i had internet connection too
So i dont know where the problem is?
Its not with my pc and not with the cable that connects to the internet
How can i fix this problem?
Please help me

- 568 - 06-01-2014 04:53 AM

try reformatting your laptop, that seems to fix alot of dumb WINBLOWS

- blackwidow2408 - 06-01-2014 05:08 AM

are you dial up or broadband, if borad band it may have dumped you connection in you need to reload it

- Bruce__MA - 06-01-2014 05:14 AM

Are you connecting directly to the cable modem or are you connecting through a router? Sometimes you have to reboot your cable modem and/or you router. I actually had to buy my ouwn router because the one provided by Camcast was giving me trouble.

- #Red- - 06-01-2014 05:30 AM

try changing the port you are accessing by on the router. if the laptop has wireless, turn it off, unless you are using a wireless router also. no need to format, waste of time and data.

go to start, run and type 'cmd' (without the quotes). a screen will up up. when it does type:

ipconfig /release

ipconfig /renew

when its done, hopefully your internet works. it destroys and reloads your old sessions for your internet connection with the router.