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Google Chrome Not Installing??? HELP!? - Printable Version

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Google Chrome Not Installing??? HELP!? - 391 - 06-08-2014 05:26 AM

This is the second time I've tried installing Google Chrome.The first time I did so successfully, but then my computer got ghosted and I lost Google Chrome. Now whenever I try to install it, it gets stuck on the initializing bar, and then I click on where it says click here and I run everything. Then, a pop-up comes up saying "Installation faield. Another installation of a Google application is already in progress. Please wait for it to complete and try installing Google Chrome again." Why is this happening? And how do I fix it? Please help.

- crazartist - 06-08-2014 05:30 AM

goto your task manager and kill any process related to google chrome and try reinstalling it or google for the error code during installation.

- Z012495 - 06-08-2014 05:35 AM

I would suggest to go through program files and delete anything that may be in there that has anything to do with google chrome. Be sure to check the start menu all programs list to. Delete all thet has to do with it. Then open task manager, click the processes tab, and scan through the list and be sure nothing is running that looks like it may involve google chrome. It will be hard to tell, but sometimes there are clues in the name that give it away. If there is, right click on the process and tell it to end task, and click ok on the windows that comes up. After thoroughly searching, i would download a new installer and remove the other one. Then try again. If this doesn't work, i would suggest trying Mozilla Firefox.