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my computer keeps freezing and going unresponcsive, anyone have a soluition tofixing this? - Printable Version

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my computer keeps freezing and going unresponcsive, anyone have a soluition tofixing this? - 295 - 06-19-2014 06:27 PM

So i turned on my latop one day and it started to get very gltichy,it would freez over and over on all open windows google,chrome,skype anything else would go unrsponsive for a few moments over and over. does anyone know why this happnes?

- Joseph the Second - 06-19-2014 06:30 PM

-Have You defragged it lately ?? Sometimes THAT Helps... Smile

- Dharma Teja - 06-19-2014 06:31 PM

Defrag your PC if it doesn't works maybe junk files on ur pc are very high so follow my steps:
Open start men and go to run and type %temp% and hit enter a folder will pop out then delete all the files in the folder some files cannot be deleted so ignore them.and again go to run enter prefetch and a folder will pop out again delete all the fiels from the ccleaner (google it) and run a test and clean the junk files which it has been detected.if still problem occur u better format ur HDD and install a fresh copy of Operating System Hope I HelpedSmile