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Should I trust this website? - Printable Version

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Should I trust this website? - Eric - 06-20-2014 12:21 AM

I found this website for a free computer bag. Is it safe?

- Lost Equation - 06-20-2014 12:36 AM

Nothing is live is "free". You will pay a price one way or another. Don't go into websites that are questionable. I did not click on this website because I don't take chances on something I do not trust. Just go shopping a find a good deal or shop on line at a reputable store.

- Donald - 06-20-2014 12:40 AM

Well, TigerDirect is legitimate.

My guess is they're making their money a couple of ways. There's a $5 shipping charge. It probably costs them a bit less.

More money comes in from that $20 rebate. Retailers know that a huge number of rebates are never claimed or cashed. You can look up a lot of articles and research online. But it wouldn't surprise me, in this case, if at least 25% of the rebates were never sent in. That means for every $100 in rebates sent out, $25 aren't cashed and result in profit for the seller.

Plus, the retailer now has your name and address. That can be added to mailing lists that can be sold to other retailers. So there's some profit there, too.

And the retailer itself can try to sell you more stuff.

My guess, though, is that the main profit center is with the uncashed rebates.

So--while no guarantee--it looks safe enough. They're just making their money in other ways.

Hope that helps.