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Is it appropriate to post photos of your aborted foetus on Facebook, saying RIP, always in my heart, etc? - Printable Version

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Is it appropriate to post photos of your aborted foetus on Facebook, saying RIP, always in my heart, etc? - Soup Nazi - 06-20-2014 05:10 AM

I have a Facebook friend who had her unborn child aborted because she was found to have Down Syndrome, and has now posted several photos on her Facebook account with captions like what I mentioned.

Is this totally inappropriate for Facebook? I have noticed that the photos don't get many likes or comments.
They are not ultrasounds. They are actually photos of the aborted foetus.

- Antst - 06-20-2014 05:15 AM

What kind of photos are these?

If they are ultrasounds from before the abortion, then OK. This may be her way of letting everyone know what is going on. Also, when people are dealing with traumatic events in their lives, we should try to give them a break. Grief can make people very emotional and prone to doing things they usually would not do.

If these are photos of the aborted foetus after the abortion, then that is totally inappropriate and someone close to her should talk to her immediately. But again--try to be merciful. She must be extremely upset. Feel sorry for her.

- Cool person - 06-20-2014 05:16 AM

yes if she wants to.

- Schuyler - 06-20-2014 05:21 AM

I find that disgusting and desperate for attention, a phony seeking of attention and sympathy and wholly distasteful.

- kylieg - 06-20-2014 05:35 AM

She is insane, she should keep those photos to herself. Report those photos to facebook immediately.

- Jennifer - 06-20-2014 05:50 AM

I find it absolutely disgusting - first of she KILLED her child just because it wasn't "normal", because it had Down Syndrome, then she has the nerve to post pictures and saying how much she loved it and was mourning the death?


With all the services (and FREE services) available today for parents with Down Syndrome children, there is no reason to abort these children. I have a nephew with Down Syndrome and he is the most beautiful, wonderful child. He is the most special thing in our lives and we do not consider him a burden at all.

People should be ashamed of themselves for killing a child because it is not "perfect".

There are plenty of people that would be willing to adopt any unwanted child, even if the child has Down Syndrome or any other condition.

- Patricia - 06-20-2014 05:58 AM

That's taking sharing to another level. Good to know that it didn't get many likes either.

- G - 06-20-2014 06:01 AM

That's just wrong. It's her facebook wall and she can post what she wants, but it's still distasteful. Why anyone would do that is beyond me.

- LolaCorolla - 06-20-2014 06:06 AM

First of all...there's no way the clinic staff would let her take pictures of her aborted fetus. Regardless...her posts are beyond inappropriate.

- Hello - 06-20-2014 06:16 AM

In my opinion it's highly inappropriate. Some people just have different views on what's acceptable. For instance, I think posting pics of the deceased in their coffins is inappropriate.