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internet suddenly not working? - Printable Version

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internet suddenly not working? - Agdklm - 06-23-2014 03:20 AM

U formatted my pc by installing windows 7 64bit. Now the internet is not working. It just says not connected it was working fine before i formatted..

- 488 - 06-23-2014 03:35 AM

You need the network driver

- Amal - 06-23-2014 03:44 AM

Have you tried configuring your router? That might be the problem. Make a new connection and re-configure the router. If that doesn't work, then u should call a technician.

- Tickyul - 06-23-2014 03:51 AM

start > control panel > network > set up a network

- Sunita - 06-23-2014 04:00 AM

1) opening cmd.exe and typing ipconfig /release then ipconfig /renew
2) Disabling and re-enabling my network adapter
3) Downloading and installing the latest driver for my network adapter from the Realtek website.
4) Running the trouble shoot through windows. All this tells me is that "the default gateway is not available"
5) I ran a system restore to a point about a month ago and the problem was still there.
6) I ran my computer in safemode with the network enabled and the problem was still there.
7) The ethernet cable I'm using for my desktop is fine I tried it with my laptop and it worked and plugged in a usb wireless card to my desktop and the problem persisted (just without a wire)

- Khek - 06-23-2014 04:11 AM

do you configure your network setting in your newly installed windows 7? You may need network driver for windows 7?