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What do you do when your friend says he can't be friends with you cause you don't like their religion? - Printable Version

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What do you do when your friend says he can't be friends with you cause you don't like their religion? - MikeZ - 11-09-2012 09:50 AM

My friend just said that he can't be friends with me anymore because I oppose Christianity... And I'm not greatly opposed to it. I don't go around preaching that it's wrong or anything. I just don't find it all that progressive and like to share satirical posts on facebook about it. help? Sad

- Julie and Julia - 11-09-2012 09:58 AM

find another friend

birds of a feather flock together

- Smores - 11-09-2012 09:58 AM

If your friend can't accept the fact that you dislike their religion, then they aren't your friends.

- twinkle toez - 11-09-2012 09:58 AM

Good for him. He doesn't want to hear your garbage. While you're alone without friends, perhaps you can ponder why this has happened. When you're ready to accept truth, God will be there to hear it. Salvation is a free gift from God available to all who seek it. One day, you will be ready.

- Michael - 11-09-2012 09:58 AM

Well then your "friend" wasn't much of a Christian or a friend to you

- Kumquat May - 11-09-2012 09:58 AM

doesn't sound very christian, aren't they supposed to love one another and turn the other cheek and all that?
Another example of christians talking a good game but acting like asshats when it comes to action

- tree - 11-09-2012 09:58 AM

Your friend needs a chill pill, and a sense of humor. I had a friend like that once...I mysteriously lost his number from my phone...

- Jordan - 11-09-2012 09:58 AM

To mock somebody's religion on FaceBook is pretty insulting. I am a Christian as well, and if one of my friends started doing that against me I would probably be upset because my religion is something that is very important to me. I have plenty of non-Christan friends, but they all respect my religion and do not say anything at all against it. If they did, then they, in my mind, wouldn't be very good friends.

If you still want him as a friend, just accept the fact that he believes in something you don't agree with, and don't be against it and he should have no more problems with you.

- sophieb - 11-09-2012 09:58 AM

well apparently he doesn't like your sharing (the satirical posts) because he finds them offensive. To stop the offending and him being hurt and he doesn't want to be swayed from his own religion nor does he wish to commit sin he would rather sacrifice the friendship. Not a problem. Just find someone who enjoys those satirical posts or be more sensitive to when you might offend someone, think first, and don't offend next time. When a person says stop they mean it. He's showing you that when he says no he means no.

- citrine_dream - 11-09-2012 09:58 AM

Sometimes people get carried away with their religion. I know I did when I was in High School I said and did things that I regret to this day because I was blinded by the worst kind of Christian faith. If you can don't hold it against your friend. Respect this person's wishes and try not to say anything too offensive in their presence if you're really interested in keeping contact. As far as your personal Facebook page is concerned, that's yours and you have the same right as everyone else to speak your mind. Just try and be a good person in general (no matter what you believe) and if this friend wants to pull away just let them know you'll still be there and you like them. Maybe they'll have a change of mind, and will need someone to talk to if they ever de-convert. Big Grin