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Why do girls hate me? (I am a girl)? - Printable Version

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Why do girls hate me? (I am a girl)? - Emma - 11-09-2012 09:53 AM

Basically other girls seem to hate me and I don't understand why. I am nice and I'm not ugly at all and others would say I'm pretty but I have very little confidence within myself. The other day one of my friends hacked into my Facebook account and deleted loads of my profile photos that had loads of comments and likes which upset me because they were personal photos to me (a few of my friends know my password because I thought I could trust them but I have obviously changed it now). And the other week a couple of girls rung my mum from a withheld number and were telling my mum how much they hate me which obviously upset my mum loads, and I thought to myself no matter how much they may hate me, they shouldn't upset my mum like that Sad what do I do? I get on with boys fine and they seem to like me a lot more than girls do!! It gets to me sooo much, and I don't think the girls realise how they make me feel, any advice?? Sad

Thankyou in advance

- ic - 11-09-2012 10:01 AM

what do your parents say?

- Zach - 11-09-2012 10:01 AM

I'm a guy so I won't know but girls seem to always hate other girls. Mostly out of jealousy to make them feel better about themselves. Stand up to them and if it doesn't stop, tell a teacher/parent. I know its not cool to tell on them but its not cool for them to bully you either.

- Kita - 11-09-2012 10:01 AM

Girls do that to other girls. If a girl finds another girl they think is somehow better than them they will do everything in their power to tear them down. That's what bullying is. Believe it or not, friends bully each other more often than not friends. I'd say it's just a phase, but some girls stay that way their WHOLE LIVES. It's just the way they are. My advice, seeing as your mum is already aware is to take it to a higher authority if it gets bad. I don't know if you can confide in her at all, but that's a good thing to do if you can. just remember, they hate you because there's something you have that they never can, and that's why they hate you <3

- Bookman80 - 11-09-2012 10:01 AM

You have very mean friends! If I were you, I would first change all my passwords and keep them a secret from now on. Then I would cut all ties with those mean girls and find all new friends to hang out with. You don't need their abuse at all! Other girls out there will like you and respect you for who you are, and it doesn't hurt to have a few guy buddies around too. You deserve better than what you got now.

- KritaGanks - 11-09-2012 10:01 AM

Honey I'm sorry for what you are having to go through but teenage girls are just mean. I know how it feels trust me I got picked on all through out school. From the sounds of it though, your 'friends' sound jealous. You said yourself that you aren't ugly and get along with boys fine. They probably wish they were as pretty and/or could get along with guys as well. Keep your head up, don't let a few mean girls get you down, they are not worth it.

- Candy - 11-09-2012 10:01 AM

sounds to me like every one of those girls is jealous

- Emma - 11-09-2012 10:01 AM

They sound jealous to me, I had the same problems when I was younger, it all improved when i finally moved schools. I suggest you change your number, and never give out your facebook password to any of these friends again. So what you get on with boys better, I'm the same they're more fun to hang around with. they never bitch lol.

- ciara - 11-09-2012 10:01 AM

well my advice is FIND NEW FRIENDS
if you can you could ask the nice and calmly why they are doing this but mabey they are going this because..
1- they are jelous
2- you get on very well with boys
3-they are just bullys

good luck

- Bobby - 11-09-2012 10:01 AM

just ignore them, they just feel thretened by you because you have all the guy friends.