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Do children from single parents have a harder time? - Printable Version

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Do children from single parents have a harder time? - jeny - 11-09-2012 04:45 PM

I have noticed just from a few friends who are single parents(absent fathers) that their children have a harder time, more discipline problems than children from two parent homes. Does anyone else agree with me on this? It seems that having a father in the picture makes a world of a difference in the lives of these children. Is this a valid reason to stay with that person and works through the problems if possible? It would be for me if it a was a known fact that children are well rounded and happier.

- Jay - 11-09-2012 04:54 PM

it depends on the situation if the father was a good parent and good person but things just ended up not working out between mom and dad then probably yes...but if the father was a drunk abusive to the mom then the children would suffer more for seing that on a regular basis.........Majority of people who have children together do try to make things work before calling it quits... but if it doesnt work it is not good for a child to grow up in a house hold where there parents do not respect each other

- Flutie - 11-09-2012 04:54 PM

definitely not true. i was born through a sperm donor, so ive had one parent my whole life. im intelligent, well behaved, never been in any real trouble. im in college with a 3.8 gpa.
i have lots of friends with two parents, and they are wild children! haha.
ive always wished i knew what having a father was like, but i love my mom. shes a mom and dad to me! i wouldnt change anything.

- Michelle - 11-09-2012 04:54 PM

I am a single parent. My children do not see their father. But I disagree with what you have to say based on my children. They are well behaved, happy (full of giggles and smiles daily), are loved by many, and have a good life.

I don't know really any other single moms so I can only go on my families life.

- Michelle - 11-09-2012 04:54 PM

Well, my son is only two, so I can only go off of how he acts right now, and I can tell you this - I don't think I've ever seen a child that's happier than my son. There are plenty of people in this section that are friends of mine on facebook and they can attest that they've probably only seen 1-2 pictures of him where he's not smiling. He receives compliments on his attitude & personality daily.

His father hasn't been in the picture for pretty much his whole life, although he is trying to get to know him now.

- . - 11-09-2012 04:54 PM

No, I don't agree. I have no problems disciplining my son, and he doesn't have a harder time now that his dad isn't around. Infact, he's much happier and much more stable now that we're no longer together.

I wouldn't in a relationship where I wasn't happy. If I'm not happy then that will have an impact on how good a parent I am.

- future-nurse2008 - 11-09-2012 04:54 PM

Im a single parent and my son is very bright and behaves well. His father died recently but wasn't in his life much. He is very loved by all my family and gets a lot of attention. He can be spoiled at times but he is 9, and like any other kid needs to be disciplined. I have family members that have a father in the house, and their kids aren't necessarily 'better behaved' or brighter than mine. In fact, they are more spoiled and don't do as well as my child It depends on a lot of things. If that child is loved and you pay attention to them, they dont miss the father figure. It is not always the best thing to have the father around, it depends on what type of father they are. Also I take alot of time with my son. Sports, reading, homework and he is a good kid. I would have to disagree, but the situation varies.

Hope this helps.

- Kay - 11-09-2012 04:54 PM

My son is very well behaved. He gets compliments ALL THE TIME on his demeanor and pleasant attitude.
He is always smiling and actually the happiest and most well behaved toddler that i know personally.
He just started a new daycare and that are very impressed with him.

So I disagree with you.
Lazy parents have a harder time, not single ones.

- Charm - 11-09-2012 04:54 PM

Well, I can't speak for the world or statistics. I was raised by a single parent, and while I wasn't a model child, I did well in school, didn't smoke, drink, use drugs, wasn't promiscuous, and never got into trouble with the law. I'm college educated and live on my own, and have always held down a job.

I am now raising a daughter on my own, and she is only eight, but seems to be happy, has many friends, does well in school, has joined Brownies and gives back to the community, and can be generous to a fault. And I have never used spankings as discipline.

I think it's a question of quality, not quantity. I know plenty of messed up kids from two parent homes.

- Jocelyn - 11-09-2012 04:54 PM

I don't think its true with every case.I know plenty of single parents/kids from single parents and the majority of them are just fine.There are a few who have issues, but they also have single moms who don't know how to parent/who gets overwhelmed.