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How old should you be to get a facebook? - Printable Version

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How old should you be to get a facebook? - Gigi - 11-09-2012 04:48 PM

My daughter is 10 and she wants a facebook. We are very close, and I know that she would only post appropriate pictures and write appropriate comments. I just want to see what people think. Any preferences? Thanks

- Liz!! - 11-09-2012 04:56 PM

I would say 8th grade, or as long as you have her password so you can monitor it, there is a lot of freaks out there on facebook!

- MightyLog - 11-09-2012 04:56 PM

Help her set it up and make sure you are one of her "friends". That way, you will have her p-word and you can monitor what she is doing on it.

- Megan - 11-09-2012 04:56 PM

I am a college student, and I personally think she should wait. Even if the comments are appropriate, studies show that facebook can make people sad at times. Yes, facebook can help you stay connected, but the internet can also be the ultimate bully tool. I would hold off until junior high at least.

- Maddy C - 11-09-2012 04:56 PM

I'd say no for sure. Facebook used to be for college students only, and then 18 and up! What happened to that? My age limit would have to be AT least 14 years old.

- momof3boys - 11-09-2012 04:56 PM

Their policy is 13 but my boys get on my account with my approval and they will chat with family and friends plus play my games. They know that they can't give out info to people and can't post pictures of themselves without my approval. One time of breaking the rules and they are grounded from it until further notice. Social networks are a big part of the world today so I feel my kids need to know about them and keep them from it just makes it more tempting to sneak which is when the kids get into trouble

- scarfacex3ss - 11-09-2012 04:56 PM

there has been murdered raped and kidnapped because of Facebook the age is 13 but if she really wants it do it at your own risk!!

- hotaru2317 - 11-09-2012 04:56 PM

I know someone that made a Facebook for her daughter the day they came home from the hospital. In my opinion that is a bit much. If your daughter is 10 that would be fine, and you can also keep an eye on her. She probably wont appreciate it much though if you confront her about every single thing, she might see it more as spying on her. Being 10 she also is very trusting and would probably add every person who sends her a friend request so you need to talk to her about that before you let her make a profile on any social networking site.

- dora_girl83 - 11-09-2012 04:56 PM

I know what u mean even tho i am 13!
Anyway i got my Facebook at 10 and my mum and dad checked it every week to see what i had been up to.
So yeah 10 is about the right age!

P.S. She will have to lie about her age and say she is 13 or 14.

- Ness - 11-09-2012 04:56 PM

I think around 13. It depends on how mature your daughter is