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How old should you be to have a facebook? - Printable Version

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How old should you be to have a facebook? - ɡɑɡɑ♥ - 11-09-2012 04:54 PM

I'm 12 years old and every single one of my friends have a facebook, but of course, mom won't let me. how old do you think you should have to be to have one and how can i convince her to let me have one?
I'm a good kid at home and at school, I'm an athlete, and I get all A's, no exaggeration.
Help please! for the sake of my social being! (lol)

- IB Slave - 11-09-2012 05:02 PM

Everyone has a face. Nobody NEEDS a Facebook page.
I would suggest not getting one. They are boring and terrible.

- Matt - 11-09-2012 05:02 PM

you need to be at least 4

- 5H33D - 11-09-2012 05:02 PM

Facebook has no age issues. As long as you can use a computer and the internet you are free to use it.
First of all convince your mom, let her sit down with you whilst you use the facebook. There is no adult material in it. Show her a couple of her own relatives, family members over the Facebook. Get her an account as well (incase she does not have one) Tell her that you will socialize with just your friends at the moment to break the ice. Parents are worried about their children, scared that they might fall in the wrong trap as the internet can be a very dangerous place. Rest on your luck, Good luck with your mom, see you soon on facebook. :o)


- massivefan258 - 11-09-2012 05:02 PM

sneak it. just delete the history when your done

- Alexandra - 11-09-2012 05:02 PM

facebook is not for kids but im a kid myself, all my mates have facebook and i do feel a bit left out when they talk about, although my best mate and me are not allowed by our mums , be different, im just like you, get a's, good kid(most of the time, lol)
i tried everything to convince my mum but she said there are rapers and why be on facebook when you could chat to your friends on the phone?

p.s. soz, im not american, i live in britian and i say mum not mom
no offence. happy new year!

- Cesc - 11-09-2012 05:02 PM

oh just get one if you really need one, ask your dad rather than your mum

- Jim - 11-09-2012 05:02 PM

Are you asking your mom to allow you to break rules.
Nothing at all to do with your behavior or abilities

- kate - 11-09-2012 05:02 PM

13 is when they say you can start a fb but its ok. Tell your mom that if you have a facebook then you will only talk to your friends and if you don't know the person or if their a staranger, then you will ignore. She can make a fb too and add you so she knows that your safe

- Bookbinder - 11-09-2012 05:02 PM

Don't even think about getting a Facebook account. It's just a girly thing for people who have poorly-developed social skills. Do you really want to be some kind of nerd who sits at home and "corresponds" with friends via a computer? It's far better for your emotional development to pick up the phone and talk, or get out there and talk to your friends face to face. Anyone who has a Facebook account ceases mental development at about the age of 14. Look around you and notice how many people - who are old enought to know better - cannot speak properly without using textspeak, or cannot write without doing textspeak, or who cannot go to a friend's house and actually knock on the door or ring the bell. They just stand outside and text their friend to say that they are waiting for him/her. This is what these "social networking" sites do to people. And you should just wonder what a "social networking" site does with your personal information. If you don't enrol/enlist on such a site, you won't have to worry. Your mother is very wise. Listen to what she says.