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How important is it to you to find your biological parents? - Printable Version

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How important is it to you to find your biological parents? - Mysty Shores - 11-09-2012 05:05 PM

It just seems to me like one of those impossible things.

- Heather B - 11-09-2012 05:13 PM

It's an individual's choice. It was very important to me to know the truth of my origins. I didn't like starting life at chapter two. I wanted to know my roots just like thousands of others who make genealogy one of the most popular hobbies today!

It seemed impossible but, after searching for 20 years I finally found and couldn't be happier.

- Emma Monsters Mama - 11-09-2012 05:13 PM

My biological mother is my mom, but my dad isn't my biological father. To tell you the truth, I don't really even have the want to find him. He's not on my to do list with my life. The dad I have has been wonderful to me. The dad I was suppose to have abandoned me, so why should I want to find him? Of course, I get curious sometimes, but I've never searched for him, and I doubt I ever will.

- Lori A - 11-09-2012 05:13 PM

Not impossible for all. I've been in reunion for 9 years with my daughter who thought it was important enough to search.

- Diedra*[Due Oct.] - 11-09-2012 05:13 PM

well it was pretty important to me to find my biological father . i thought it would fill the void in my life . i ended up finding him through myspace & things didn't turn out as i expected them to . he actually never even tried to look for me & as soon as his wife stepped in to say something he got this huge attitude . well that was almost a year ago , i figured out that the strong father figure i needed was beside me all along giving me support thru looking for him & watching out for me & my feelings . i never actually met him but im sure that if i did , i woulda ended saying some mean things . p.s - i never held a grudge over anything he did , leaving my mom , never coming to see me etc . . & i always kept a positive attitude about him wether people would talk bad about him or not . i dont exactly feel any love for he guy & as far as i'm concerned , my unborn child already has a grandfather , & i have a father to walk me down the aisle , wether he's my real dad or not what im worried about .

- Violenticicle084 - 11-09-2012 05:13 PM

it's very important to me to find my biological mother.
i think that once i do, i can FINALLY truly be at peace with everything.
i know it can seem nearly impossible..but i am not willing to give up on trying to find her.

- cantstopLinnyG - 11-09-2012 05:13 PM

Let's put it this way- I have never not known that I was adopted. Ive always known. I wanted to find my first parents since I understood the basic concept of adoption. Wanting to find my first family was as natural to me as breathing.

Even though my records were sealed, I found my first mother when I was 21 years old. Other than giving birth to my own children, it was the most profound moment of my life, and one of the happiest, too. And, it has NOTHING to do with me not loving my adoptive parents, because I do love them, even though I did not have the "perfect" life, as no one does.

I actually find it odd when adoptees do not wish to find them. I mean, we are part of them.

- Daisey Duck - 11-09-2012 05:13 PM

To me it hasn't been very important at all. I have thought about it from time to time but never really had the need. I know about my adoption and the reason why it happened. I have met a lot of my bio family and have had my questions answered and have seen pictures of my parents. I had the chance to meet my bio dad and refused. My mom offered to help me find my bio mom and I didn't want to. It had nothing to do with not wanting to hurt my mom and dad as they were both very supportive if I chose to look. I just don't see the need.

- Mei-Ling - 11-09-2012 05:13 PM

Found and plan to reunite next month.

I'm a Taiwan adoptee so it wouldn't have been impossible.

And yes, as I'm going to meet them, it is extremely important. Smile

- Cambria - 11-09-2012 05:13 PM

When I was younger, I totally wanted to find my bio-parents. Then I got older and decided that I didn't want to. Then I got alder again and decided that I did. And now I am in reunion with my bio-dad and plan on finding my bio-mom as soon as my life calms down enough that I have the time and emotional energy to devote to it.

I'm not quite sure what you mean by "impossible things". There are some situations where it can be difficult and near impossible, but there are also a lot of situations where it isn't that hard to get the information. Also, how hard it may be to actually do doesn't usually factor into whether you want to do it or not.