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Could I get expelled from school for something that happened on Facebook? - Printable Version

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Could I get expelled from school for something that happened on Facebook? - NC! - 11-09-2012 05:09 PM

A massive argment happened on Facebook..One of the girls mothers are going to come up the school to get me removed from the school. The argument on Facebook happened outside school hours which does tend to mean that the school can't do anything about it!

Could I be expelled from my school?? As I've done nothing wrong actually inside school..
It was just a normal bitchy teenage argument..The other two girls said much worse than me and my friend.

- Johnny - 11-09-2012 05:18 PM

Dude, the internet is the most serious of serious business, you're screwed. Hope you enjoy a life-long career at Wal-Mart.

- Bradyn - 11-09-2012 05:18 PM

If you've done nothing at the school itself, then they can do nothing about removing you from it. However, they can have you on a tighter watch, and the teachers and principals may be watching you more closely. Don't worry about being expelled though you're fine.

- Cane - 11-09-2012 05:18 PM

Were you bullying someone? Were you being offensive? If it's just a normal fight, nothing should happen, unless you go to a ridiculously strict school. However, if you were being a total douche, instigating fights, bullying, or making crude Photoshops, you might want to fear for your education.

- Jack - 11-09-2012 05:18 PM

Depends what the situation is but if your "Arguing" then no.
Reason why? They have nothing to do with it.
If they do then they certainly will not expel just tell you to remove the person or will just tell the other girl to delete you.


- Luciano Shaquille - 11-09-2012 05:18 PM

Yes of course you can get expelled for something outside school. You did something wrong to a student of your own school. They CAN kick you out for that. Even for things on facebook. If you were jerking off right in front of school they are gonna kick you out. Cuz your a student at their school. And you did something terribly wrong

- Brendan - 11-09-2012 05:18 PM

No you won't get expelled seeing it was a fight not an incident where you yourself targeted them... I once was in a fight with someone and told them i hope they died painfull and the mum came to the school and guess what? I didnt get in trouble because it was just a fight on facebook so your fine mate (:

- Logan - 11-09-2012 05:18 PM

No you can't be expelled from school. They don't have the power to do anything to you if it doesn't have anything to do with school or if its not on school property. While your at school don't taunt her or try to start a fight or a argument or you will get in trouble. Be careful because the teachers might be watching you two more if they are told about the fight

- Donald B - 11-09-2012 05:18 PM

In the past it was true that what happened outside of school stayed outside of school. However, with the advent of the internet this is no longer true. Bullying can happen outside of school on the internet. Schools are being charged with stopping bullying. So if you were doing anything that could be considered bullying you could be in big trouble. Now if you were just arguing about one song being a better song than another one or something that was a difference of opinion, you are fine. If you made any personal comments about the other person you could be in a bad situation. Since a parent is getting involved, it will probably involve your parents also.

- Mikkkkk - 11-09-2012 05:18 PM

that @Bradyn doesn't have a clue. It happened to my brother. He was bullying this kid at school and he got suspended. The reason was because the kid he was bullying didn't say anything back so it was looked at as bullying. So if the person you had the argument with said sumin back then i don't think they can do much

Ok you should be fine then Smile GL i dont think much will happen