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What's the best way to tell my girlfriend she's fat? - Printable Version

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What's the best way to tell my girlfriend she's fat? - ImSmart - 11-09-2012 05:27 PM

I love my girlfriend, but she's really fat. I need to tell her that. What's the best way to do so without making her mad? She means a lot to me. I've already written it on her Facebook wall, but she hasn't checked it yet. Should I call her and tell her too? Thanks for your help.

- spastic.llama - 11-09-2012 05:35 PM

If you wanna keep her as your gf, DONT!

- Mumsey - 11-09-2012 05:35 PM

Hey Mr Im smart you can't take back what you put out on facebook.

If the gf is comfortable with who she is and knows that diets don't work guess what, you will probably get a message that this is who I am and always will be, which means if you don't like fat then you need to get a different gf, also your outside is just one part of you, if the person inside is a jerk then you have nothing anyways.

- Sunderlandx - 11-09-2012 05:35 PM

i wouldn't post it on facebook that would just be sooo embarrising
delete it now!
i would just ring her up and say i watched a documentary about health and fitness and i think we should do it together
it would make her feel less humiliated.

- OhNoesQuestions - 11-09-2012 05:35 PM

You wrote on her Facebook to tell her she's fat? Please tell me this is a fake question. If you absolutely had to tell her. (Which makes no sense, why now? It didn't JUST happen.) you'd tell her in the privacy of a place with just the two of you.

If you wanna keep her though, I wouldn't say it.

- Rachel - 11-09-2012 05:35 PM

wow. Weight shouldn't matter...jerk

- anne s - 11-09-2012 05:35 PM

omg no!!!!!
delete your facebook post.
suggest to her that youre going to start excercising and invite her to do it with her.
or only stock her fridge with celery.

- Moo - 11-09-2012 05:35 PM

NO!! dont tell her that, you'll only make it worse. Tell u wanna take her on a date but u wont tell her where it is cause its a surprise. Then say this is gonna be a different kind of date so wear sweatpants instead of something nice. Then blind fold her and drive to the gym
best i could think of...

- chicken leggs - 11-09-2012 05:35 PM

I've found the best way is to take her out! Go to places you'd think she'd enjoy, like the fitness club, GNC, Lane Bryant.

- Paul B. - 11-09-2012 05:35 PM

Did you happen to look at this guy's *other* posts?