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If you are on a top secret mission with the marines, How information can you give to people abou yourself? - Printable Version

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If you are on a top secret mission with the marines, How information can you give to people abou yourself? - kaminski_aleksander - 11-09-2012 06:47 PM

Can you be on facebook give pesonal information to close friends only?

- Visualchicken853 - 11-09-2012 06:55 PM

Sure you could have a facebook, but why would you its not like you are really going to have the time to be screwing around online. If you do have a facebook you wouldn't have any indications that you are in that line of work. But the best thing is for you not to have anything like facebook.

- Fitz - 11-09-2012 06:55 PM

Depends on what level of classification the mission is. The higher the level, the less contact you can have with the outside world. For high level black ops you're not permitted to make contact with anyone outside your squad. Even superiors, it's up to your communications guy only to do it.

- Emily H - 11-09-2012 06:55 PM

I would hope anyone performing a "top secret mission" would have better sense than to discuss it with anyone who was not on the "top secret mission" with him/her or his commanding officer. Have we really come to this? Is this today's Corps? Facebook... really? ack.

- Peaceful Warrior - 11-09-2012 06:55 PM

THis question is worse than all of Eridutes Questions combined...

- Max - 11-09-2012 06:55 PM

Yea I can see your status now
Going on top secret mission my moms the best. lmao. text/call
Firstly Marines will probably never go on a top secret mission since SOCOM like's the SEAL's and Army assets better since they have experience. No if you say anything you could be breaching your safety and the guys with you. If people ask you can't say anything.

- Pete T - 11-09-2012 06:55 PM

If you want to keep your security clearance and "need to know " status, you don't tell a sole about yourself. Also, that is a good way for a foreign agent to kidnap or kill you , and believe me, the enemy knows more about you than you know about yourself, they are just waiting for their opportunity.