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What is the difference between facebook and myspace..which one is safer? - Printable Version

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- Buffman - 11-09-2012 07:10 PM

it is very true both are prime targets of most "cyber-stalkers" or whatever you may call them. As of security neither. While the new design of Facebook cancels out most of the glitches hackers have found. it is nearly impossible to write a flawless PHP script. If I had the choice between the two of them I would most definitely say Facebook scripting is more organized and secure then Myspace.

Please be aware i am not telling you not to use either of these sites, but am recommending you take the precautions of keeping your identity out of the wrong hands.

Simple steps such as not accepting random friends request can be a great increment on cyber-security. Using a secure connection can disable third party intercepting(a.k. middle-man) which would slow down the risk of someone taking over your account.

As long as you are taking full advantage of the security features that come with Facebook (such as keeping your profile hidden from everyone except friends only) and set secure passwords (with 8+ characters) you should be just fine. just be aware that no matter what social site you ever use, there will always be risks you need to be aware of.

ps: oh yeah and don't ever click on the advertisements found on the side. Most of these advertisements are bogus, I have debugged a few computers from viruses traced back to these ads.
if your really interested in these ads use a Google search or some other secure method.

I've also listed a few sites where you can get additional advice on cyber-security.

- baseballplayr339 - 11-09-2012 07:10 PM

first of all: you sound like you're in school. so you should get a facebook, that's we're everybody will be

second, facebook is apparently a bit safer than myspace. according to wot, which i trust with my life...but never mind that. facebook is safe. as long as you don't click on the stupid ads and stuff (that are on myspace too) that sometimes lead to virus sites.

the news is stupid. these people should stop taking everything in the news to heart - a bunch of it is LIES xD
(my grandma believes everything in the news. like how obama wasn't born in the country and isn't really a u.s. citizen and how the world's gonna become one big country and how the u.s. dollar's going away and how the wold's gonna die and... damn it's so annoying)

another thing - not all of the info you put on facebook has to be real. like you can put a bunch of face info up like you live in la, and you're 20 yrs old, and you're b-day is 1-1-90, and stuff. and you can even put a fake name that only people you know will knows it's you. and even if you do put you're real name and one will see any of your info besides your name (big whoop) if they don't add you as a friend. this goes with all accounts on facenook

facebook really isn't dangerous. it's safer than myspace, it's definitely better, and that's how they're different