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What do you think of those mothers who create a seperate FB page for their child(ren)? - Printable Version

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- LMAO ALL THE TIME - 11-09-2012 07:41 PM

its tacky and pathetic

- Kc - 11-09-2012 07:41 PM

Honestly, I think it's a bit odd. I mean, yes it's a nice way to communicate with family members for sharing pictures, but it's not my cup of tea.

- hsmom - 11-09-2012 07:41 PM

I think it's a non issue.

These people? LOL Sounds like you don't think very highly of them.

I made FB accounts for all 3 of my kids. What's the big deal? They use them to play games and keep up with family across the country.

Carter James Niles : Seriously??? You just put your kids bday and name on HERE. You think some weirdo isn't going to be wacking off to that??? Really? So there are no perverts on this area of the web...just facebook, huh? Good to know.

lol- insane.

- Molly - 11-09-2012 07:41 PM

Yeah, it's kind of weird. They're children they don't need a facebook. If you want people to see pictures of them or something, post them on your own facebook.

- ma ma of 2! - 11-09-2012 07:41 PM

I personally think its a little tacky. that being said i have a second account under my name just for my exs family and such so they can see pictures and get updates on the kids. but i would never put two account with each kids name. I know a girl who has two biological kids and three step kids.. they all have pages! the step kids have two each! a little excessive...

- April - 11-09-2012 07:41 PM

I think kids under the age of 14 shouldn't have a fb page because there are just too many weirdos out there today who prey on kids any way they can. To each his own but in my case my 15 yr old just got a fb page this year and my youngest son will wait til then too.

- scrawnypest143 - 11-09-2012 07:41 PM

I think it's stupid. Like your 2 month old needs their own page? Really? Yes, your child that's 3 needs to get in contact with their friends via computer that they don't even really know how to use and get on. Come on. I get trying to keep in touch with family members and sharing their pics, but that's what your FB is for. Not only that, but it's putting your child out there. I just don't get it. Why do the extra work? It's not like they kids are checking their FB it's the mom's. If you really have nothing better to do than to make 3 FB (or however many kids you have) and check them all, get a hobby. I just don't understand the point I guess.

Edit: Why do children need a FB to play games? They should be outside playing or playing with toys. And if they do play games online, why on FB, I'm sure every game on FB is on some other site.

- Annie - 11-09-2012 07:41 PM

I think it is silly. If your child can't get on and maintain their own account. why make it for them?

- Andy - 11-09-2012 07:41 PM

i think its ok if you keep an eye on what there doing with facebook but if u keep i tight security on there page...

- Andy - 11-09-2012 07:41 PM

I think instead of sitting on the computer bragging about their kids, they should get on the floor and play with the kids.