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Should a 12 yr old almost 13 have a Facebook? - Printable Version

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Should a 12 yr old almost 13 have a Facebook? - angelina.cantoni - 11-09-2012 07:51 PM

My little sister wants a facebook really bad but my parents wont let her because she is to young.I think the age is 13 to have a facebook.Tell me what u think because i am going to show my parents if more ppl think she should or shouldnt...

P.S she is really responsible

- Thats Personal - 11-09-2012 08:00 PM

If she is a good school student and responsible and won't get into trouble with anything then yea!

- soup ignorant - 11-09-2012 08:00 PM

No because all you little kids abuse it and just use it to make fun of each other. Go back to passing notes in class.

- Brian - 11-09-2012 08:00 PM

Do what your parents say. They care about you a lot more than I do.

- RumRunners - 11-09-2012 08:00 PM

I helped my 11 year old grandson make one. Just don't use a photo of them (my grandson uses a pic of my cat) and set EVERYTHING to private. He is only allowed to have as friends people we know and it has to be ok'd by me. now he can stay in touch with his favorite cousins who live in two other states. I have his passwords as well.

- m00nland9 - 11-09-2012 08:00 PM

i think she should get it i got mine in grade 4. you can put her account on private.

- lil miss <3 - 11-09-2012 08:00 PM

I think your parents should make the final call, but if she is really responsible, then sure! I got mine when I was 13, and my little sister has one and she just turned twelve. As long as she has the right privacy settings, no creepers can look at her pictures, etc. Tell your parents that! Hope this helps! Smile

- Tamara - 11-09-2012 08:00 PM

If you want to convince your parents then they should have her password as well and know how to use facebook so they can make sure it is not used inappropriately (less concern for your sister to be the offender than other people).

- Perfectionless - 11-09-2012 08:00 PM

13? I always you had to be 14...Oh well

I guess she's alright to have one as long as she's responsible

I DON"T KNOW!!! I'm one of the few people who think facebook and myspace are pointless

- Alena - 11-09-2012 08:00 PM

I think 13-14 is a good age to get one. You'll be more mature by then, and at 13/14, it's important to keep a balance of social health in your life. Tell your sister to dream on...she's way too young. If she's 12 and already wants a facebook, who knows what she'll do at a later age? Make sure she's really ready for one when you decide to give her one. Can she handle it? Will she still focus on school? Is she responsible enough? And is she even interacting with the right people on there? You have to monitor what she's doing...Or you'll lose her completely. She's got her head way up in the clouds. I'm 13, and plan on getting a Facebook in high school.